Chapter 5- Betheny

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Chapter 5


I loved being at court. There was intrigue, dancing, and drama. It was infinitely better than my poor country upbringing. My father was a knight, but not wealthy by any means. I knew that serving the queen was only part of the reason I was here. I was also here to marry well.

Many men tried to catch my attention. But, there was only one for me. The Earl of Marple. He was twenty-three years and more handsome than most. His light brown skin and eyes to match caught my attention. He was taller than most men at court. Yet, still shorter than the king by some inches.

He would catch my eye and I, his. We would dance and chat a bit. Then, later in the evening, some lord or lady would continue the dance in their apartments with wine and musicians. We would hole up in some corner and talk all night. Never anything more. I was sure to be in the view of someone at all times. That way, my virtue could never be called into question.

As the Earl whispered in my ear, I looked up to see the queen's cousin summoning me.

"The queen calls." I told him. Handing him my goblet and leaving him there alone. He understood my duties as he waited on the king as well.

The king had been gone and would be back in days. So, he had been free for a few months in a way that I was not. When I reached the queen's chambers, she was sitting at the fireplace, her little dog, a gift from the king to keep her company while he was gone sat in her lap. She didn't look at me, only called my name. "Betheny."

"Your majesty." I said, still curtsied low to her.

"Come sit with me." she said, pointing to the stool next to her at the fireplace.

I did as I was bid by the queen and sat. She passed me her goblet. I could tell she was in her cup. She must have continued drinking after court. That wasn't like her. I didn't know if she wanted me to give it to the servant, or drink. She told me and I'm sure that I looked confused.

"Drink." I did as she said. It was Ale and it was strong. "Finish it. For what I will say requires something very strong. And someone strong as well."

Once I had finished it, she grabbed the pitcher from next to her and filled it again. And another goblet for herself. Then she began to speak.

"How do you find life at court?" she asked

"I love it, your majesty. It is glorious." I told her. Causing her to laugh.

"I'm glad you love it so. Tell me, what have you heard of me and my fertility?" she asked.

I almost choked on my ale. She reached over and patted me on the back as her dog barked.

"Nothing, your majesty."

"Come. I need honesty between us. We will be closer than you think soon enough." She told me. I finished the ale and then answered her.

"I heard that you have had many different pregnancies. Yet none have yielded a living heir." I repeated the gossips to her.

"All true." She said, lifting her goblet. "What would you say if I said I wanted you to provide an heir to the king?"

My mouth hung open in surprise. I could not answer her. So, she continued to explain. When she was done, I had no words.

"Are you alright, child? Have I shocked you so?"

"Your majesty." I started. "I have never thought of the king in such a way. And, you call me child, but we are close in age. You may yet still conceive."

"Conceiving has never been my problem. It is delivering a live child. That is why we need you."

"All I, or any other woman besides your majesty would deliver the king, is a bastard." I pointed out.

"We have safeguards against that. The king will put it to law that any son you delivered to him would be next in line to the throne. AFTER, any live children that out union would provide, of course." She assured me.

"I want to please you, your majesty. In every way. I am just, confused. May I have time?" she asked.

"Sure. I have already summoned your father to court. He is to be made a Viscount. He will be here in the morning. I will discuss it with you both then. But I will not force anything on you. You are a woman. But this must be your choice."

"Thank you, your majesty."

"No thank you. And remember. Speak of this to no one. It will be revealed in time should you say yes. You may go. I know your head spins. We have had much to drink and discuss. Take tomorrow and be with your father. I shall speak with you then. And that little

Baron, no Earl, that you like will be waiting to marry you after you have done your part."

I smiled at that. Stood and rushed to my room. In the morning my father and eldest brother came were in the apartments. They sat in the meeting room. They had met with the queen and were waiting for me to wake.

"She cannot do it, father. She will be ruined." My brother said.

"No, she will rise. Have you not seen that the mistress of kings and their families benefit in land and title? She has already named me a Baron. Which will pass to you. Imagine if she provides heirs for our lands. Imagine it."

One of my new ladies that father brought to serve me, helped me into my robe. I found my way into the room, picked a grape from the bowl on the table and stood by the fire.

"You cannot be considering this, sister. Surely." Guy asked me.

I shrugged. "Why not? It may not be all bad. I would only have to lay with him, conceive and my job would be done. And her majesty has promised me the marriage of my choice when it is done."

"See, son. What could go wrong?"

"I can't believe I have to tell you. What happens when the queen conceives and gives him living heirs? Do you think that she shall let the competition to her son's claim to the throne be left to breathe? She shall make you both disappear."

"She is not that cruel, brother." I tried to calm him. "I know her."

"A woman that would think of this is capable of anything. Mark my words." He told us.

"What is your choice?" My father asked me.

"I have decided that I will do it. God help me, I will give the king his bastard heir. This elevating our family and earning me the noble of my choosing."

"Very well. We shall send a coded letter to the queen."

And so we did.

The Queen's Plan (Pre-Order on Amazon) release date 2/19/19Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora