Chapter 12- His Majesty

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Chapter 12

His Majesty

Sitting in the council chambers and watching the faces of the members, I knew that many did not agree. Not expecting them to, I allowed them to share with me their hesitation at the request laid before them. One person seethed more than the other. Duke Ethan. My brother by law.

He was married to my sister, the princess, and they had a son together. My beloved nephew. Whom I loved dearly. He had been my direct heir until now. Second to no one but any children that my wife provided me. Now, I was asking that they put this child, and any other child in his place. Pushing him further from the throne. He was the first to speak.

"Pardon me, your majesty. Brother. Are you asking that bastards be legally allowed to inherit? And above a trueborn heir? Your own nephew, as it were? Surely I have heard incorrectly." He said.

"No, you have heard quite well. That is my desire."

"This is unheard of, my lord. I don't know that it can be done." Lord Kasley spoke.

Being one of the lead men on the council. Meaning, it needed his support.

"I don't see why it cannot be done. He is the king. Our job is to do his will. As long as it does not hurt his people. I see not how this will hurt them. If he names the child, or children as his heirs and we ratify it here in parliament, then it is law. Anyone who comes against it is guilty of treason." Lord Buckley announced.

"Thank you, Ian. It is as you said. If it is law and my will, then anyone, and I mean anyone, who would oppose it or go against it would be sewing treason against the king. Listen. Let us not pretend that we do not know the cause which brings us here. My true and beloved wife can conceive easy enough. It is the bringing forth the child which gives her trouble. We continue to look to ways to remedy this. And we have many years yet. She is still young and fertile. But the queen herself brought this about." I announced.

"Her majesty thought of this?" Kasley asked, surprised.

"Indeed, she did. I fought her on it at every turn. She refused to leave the country in the hands of an heir that did not come from me. She loves our nephew. But she thought a direct heir would work for the kingdom. A son, hopefully. And again, any child that we have would push this child further from the throne. They shall, in any case be titled and treated with respect." I explained. Letting them speak amongst themselves and come to a decision.

Moments later, they had decided.

"Your majesty. We can not say that this is conventional or that it would work. I am sure there would be those who challenge the claim of any child considered a bastard Titled or not. However. Just because it has not been done, doesn't mean that it cannot or should not. In a vote of 13 to 7, we shall make this law. We do have a question. What of the mother? If heaven forbid, this child does inherit, who shall care for him or run the kingdom in his name?

" I shall appoint the guardian soon. His mother may stay with him and be treated as the Countess and mother of the king that she would be. She is not to be disgraced. Her queen came to her, requested it of her and she did as her queen commanded. On the other hand, I think her a little young and green to rule countries. She was not born to it. This child will be."

They all agreed that they understood. I dismissed the meeting and Ethan almost ran out. I called him back to me. He turned, walked over to where I stood and bowed.

"Your majesty."

"I do not do this to punish you. Nor my nephew. He has done nothing wrong. It is the queen's wish and I obliged. A son of mine is closer than a nephew and should inherit."

"I understand." Ethan answered.

"Good. Now, I think I might name you to the council of the child. This in case I die or cannot rule for some matter. Does that suit you?" I asked him.

A slight smirk overcame his face. Letting me know that I made a mistake. If he was given access to the child there was no telling what fate he might seek to bring about. I would watch him. Maybe send him to a small land whose armies may not beat us in scenario. Call him an ambassador. No, he could not be with my son if it came to it. Not in such an attitude.

I permitted him to leave. He would ride to my sister and tell her. I'm sure I would receive a letter from an irate sister. A visit where she rants perhaps. I will allow it. I love her and she is my sister. She knew me when I was a prince who could barely aim my bow. As long as we did in private, I allowed her the freedom to speak plainly with me.

My queen found me still sitting in the conference room sometime later.

"I hear that your meeting was long ago over. What keeps you here? Alone?"

"My thoughts." I confessed.

"Share them." She said as she sat next to me.

"Ethan." I told her.

"We knew that he would not be happy with the arrangement. But our nephew is still in line to the throne. He should be not be too dismayed." She offered as a comfort.

"It is not only being pushed farther from the throne. It is the humiliation of it happening to place two children of my mistress above him." I concluded.

"They must understand the reasons for why we did this. It was for the country. They may not like it, but they should understand. Hell, I do not like it." she admitted it.

Turning to look at her, head on, I wanted her to explain herself and told her as much.

"Come." She said, taking me hand and walking me over to the window.

We looked out and saw a grand number of people walking the grounds. They had a flute player and looked to be in great spirits. Leading them was Betheny. It was almost as she was, queen.

"I know you think me jealous. And perhaps I am. But I am not stupid. Nor do I look for trouble where there is none. I sent for her on many occasions, today being one, to dine with me. She sends back refusing my invitation."

"Refusing?" I asked, becoming upset. Though I had a care for Bethy. She was always to attend the queen when she requested.

"Yes. Refusing. I have gone to her after her refusals on the grounds of pain, or illness due to the child. Instead of finding her abed, I would find her essentially holding court. The same today. She has refused me. Now look. It is as if I am nothing now that she carries your child."

Tears began to fall. I wiped them and brought her head to my chest.

"You know that not to be true. You are everything. With child or not. I shall have a word with her."

"No, leave it. I know you have feelings for her and her for you. I do not seek to upset her until the babe is here and healthy. Then she may face my wrath." She announced. I agreed to stay silent and allow them to work it out.

"It seems this plan has not gone as smoothly as we had hoped." I said into her braids that swung from side to side.

"I never expected it to be easy. I expected it to work. It still does as long as they say that the child is healthy.

The Queen's Plan (Pre-Order on Amazon) release date 2/19/19Where stories live. Discover now