Chapter 15-Betheny

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Chapter 15


Two sets of hazel eyes looked up at me. The king's face was in awe. He held one as he sat on the bed with me. I held the other. No one could have imagined that I would deliver him twins. Everyone was in shock. None more so than the queen.

Her face as she returned to see the children was one of pain and fear which she tried to mask behind her beautiful smile. She leaned over and took the first duke from his father's hands.

"You did brilliantly, Bethy. Look, Jerry, my love. They have your eyes." She told her husband. Her act was not lost on me. She was threatened. As she should be. The king would have no choice but to put her away and take me. Making our sons princes. Not just dukes whose claims could be challenged by legitimate heirs. Such as his nephew.

"How do you feel?" she asked me.

"I can't feel anything over the joy of seeing their faces." I said to her without breaking the gaze with my son that remained in my arms."

"I can imagine." She handed my son to his wet nurse. Coming over to me, she bent down until we were face to face. "You have outdone yourself. We are forever grateful." She said for everyone to hear.

With that, she kissed my cheek. Standing after, she backed away and told us that she would retire and leave us to the babes. As she turned to leave, I watched the king's eyes. Some of the joy had left them. He kissed the babe in my arms and stood.

"I will return. Give him to be fed as well. The servants shall see to you. You must rest." He told me.

I nodded that I understood. I did not like that he would leave us to follow and comfort her. He walked behind her, took her hand and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. Both leaving together. I could have cried. Until I looked at my children again. Yes, they were my ticket to stay.

The Queen's Plan (Pre-Order on Amazon) release date 2/19/19Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora