Chapter 17-Her Majesty

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Chapter 17

Her majesty

Her very being was beginning to offend me. At the coronation, she placed herself in front of me and walked with the king. Knowing that this was not the way. It almost looked as if she were queen. Everyone here knew better, in any case.

She neglected to ask me to be godmother to the children. Which was a much more noticeable slight. When you went by her chambers, she would be there, listening to the people's grievances and request. Praying that they would reach the kings' ear. The way they used to do for me.

Gifts for the dukes arrived almost daily. I would see her, my husband their attendants in the garden with the children. It shattered my heart. My husband was still kind and would visit my chambers. But I knew things between us had changed. How had I allowed it to come to this day?

As I sat, my sister by law came in and curtsied. She waved both my and her ladies and servants off. She came over and poured wine for the both of us.

"Your highness."

"You majesty." she returned. "I mean, you are still queen. I hear there is one who would seek to have that title for herself." She stated.

"Do not tease me. I know that she wants my husband and life. But I shall burn this life down before I hand it over to her." I said, downing my wine.

"And who shall rule the ashes? No, you must send her away. Keep the little bastards here and away from her."

"Do you not think that I have thought of it. I do not act on it because, for the first time, I am afraid that it would anger my husband."

"Then let him be mad. He shall be over it soon enough. She needs a husband. Why does she not have one? She asked.

"I don't rightly know. I believe there was a young lord that she had her heart set upon before we made her this offer.

"Nadia! Come please." I yelled towards the door where our servants waited for us. She came coming in and curtsied love to the ground.

"Oh rise. You are not in trouble. The queen only has a question for you." the princess told her.

"Nadia. There was a gentleman. Tall, young and good looking. He was always seen about Countess Betheny. Do recall him? I asked. Praying that she did.

"Perfectly. He is the Earl of Marple."

"And has he taken another?"

"No, majesty. Some say that he pines for her."

"Then let him pine no more. Send a letter that he is to dine with me."

The princess smirked. "I am glad to see that you have never let up. I would asked you something."

"What is that?"

"That once you have ousted her and sent her away. My son be added back to his rightful rank. Not behind two bastards promised a good life. They may have a great life at court and still never inherit."

"I will see what I can do. But first, I must give my king an heir."

"And quickly." She said.

We stayed and talked, waiting for the Earl to come. He did as fast as he could. But it was still long enough. Bowing, he addressed us.

"Majesty, your highness. I was told I was summoned by you."

"And you were. We have a question. Would you still care to marry the Countess Bethny as I believe you know her as?"

"I do with all of my heart," he admits, nervously.

"Even after she has bore children for the king at my request. It is now time she married."

"She is more beautiful now. And now I know that she may give me sons. I would have her above all else." He confessed.

"A man in love. I love to see it. I shall discuss it with the king. We will have an answer in due course. Do not speak of this to anyone until we have the King's acceptance." I informed him.

He left with the princess not far behind. After that, my husband came to me.

"Are you done with your new wife and children?"

"Torah. She is not my wife. You know better."

"Do I? it seems clear to everyone but you that she tries to upstage me at every turn. No matter. I have found her match. We only need your approval." I told him.

"Marriage? With whom?"

"Yes. You do remember. Once she had the child, she was to be married to a man of good standing. Well, I found the young Earl she was smitten with. He is more than willing and happy to marry her. He loves her still. More now that he knows she will give him sons. Will you see to it?" I asked him. it had to be him.

' "What of the children? Is she to leave them?"

"Yes. She will leave them. Here in our care. She knows they will be cared for accordingly by their father. The King. Why is this even a question? She knew what it was when she said yes. Is it because you love her and seek to have her as your queen?" I began to rant from jealousy and insecurity.

"I love you. I will not be putting you away. I told her as much.

Seething I stood and walked over to him.

"Your whore has asked you to put me away?" I said in a dangerously low voice.

"It matters not. I told her no, of course."

"I should have listened. This was too complicated. I looked to provide an heir for the kingdom. Yet here I have delivered my husband and his love to a grasping woman instead." I cried.

Jerrold came over to me, hugged me and kissed me.

"You have delivered no such thing. I love you with everything in me. I hate to see you unhappy. If arranging this marriage will bring you peace, consider it done." He promised.

"It does. I love you for it. I want her gone from court. The same way she wants it of me." I told him.

He nodded his head in understanding as he began to rub his fingers through my hair. I looked up into those hazel eyes and lost myself. He pressed his lips against mine and I let him. he began to lift my skirts as we kissed. Once it was around my waist, he turned me around. I planted both hands, palm down on the table and laid my face against it's cool surface.

Fumbling with his pants, he was soon able to release his manhood as they fell to the floor. He entered me from behind and we both exhaled. It was almost a comfort to feel his love inside of me.Taking me securely by my waist, he began to make love to me. pulling me into him as he came forward to meet me. I cried out in pleasure as did he.

He moved forward and lay flat against my back, kissing my neck and using my shoulders to pull me back into him harder. As I began to shake and release on his manhood, he joined me. I was reminded of much he did want and need me. His kisses covered my neck and shoulders. The rest of me was still dressed as we had not taken the time to remove our clothes fully.

He stood and helped me to do the same. There he turned me to face him and took me in his embrace. Kissing my head. "I will send her away after her wedding. It will take a few months to plan. Then she shall be gone. I will see that she respects you as the queen. For it is what you are."

"That is all I have wanted. Thank you. Maybe with distance, your growing love for her will wane. Before it overshadows your love for me." I said into his chest.

"Nothing could ever overshadow that my lady. Nothing."

The Queen's Plan (Pre-Order on Amazon) release date 2/19/19Where stories live. Discover now