Chapter 23-His Majesty

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Chapter 23

His Majesty

It had been a year since my queen had died. She sacrificed herself to give me a legitimate heir. I spend everyday sitting at her grave. The site of her effigy brings me comfort. I still wear silver and black as I mourn her.

Our son grows everyday. He is even walking now. He brings me such joy. His brown skin and smile are utterly hers. Even the way his hair curls has Torah in it. Today is to be a day of celebrations and joy. For I am to take a new queen.

I stood at the altar of the church. Betheny in her white dress with her father at her side. She looked exquisite. Though I missed Torah, I did love Betheny. This marriage would not only make her queen. It would legitimize our sons.

Even though they were older than Prince Jerrold, he was next in line to the throne as his mother was my first wife and queen. He needed no paper nor council to vote on his legitimacy.

He was ours utterly. And I would raise him to know of his true mother and the sacrifice she made to give me these three heirs. As they were all born of the Queen's Plan.

The Queen's Plan (Pre-Order on Amazon) release date 2/19/19Where stories live. Discover now