Chapter 9-Her Majesty

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Chapter 9

Her Majesty

There was no hiding the news. She was with child. No one had to tell me. It was the reception I received as I arrived. My people greeted me as if they pitied me. I wished that they would not do so. This was what I had prayed for.

Jerrold stood and greeted me in the courtyard. He kissed me and lifted me from my feet with his strong arms. Swinging me about. He kissed me all about my face and lastly, on my lips. I had missed him as well. The truth was, I needed to be away. Knowing that my husband was somewhere in our castle with his mistress had gone hard on me. Even thought it was my choice.

Queens who lived to see their kings carouse with other women with no shame were stronger than I. I think I would take my sword to them both and go gladly to my beheading for treason. Wearing red as a martyr. I thanked God that my husband was not so. We turned to walk into the castle, arm in arm, when I spoke.

"Is it true? Is she with child?" I asked, causing him to stop in his tracks.

"It was only confirmed yesterday. How could you know?"

"Look about at the faces of those who serve us. They look as though they are headed to the gallows."

"They love you. They hurt for you." he told me.

"They need not worry not fear for me. How is she? Is she resting?" I inquired as we entered my apartments. There were flowers everywhere and gifts filled the table in my meeting rooms.

"She is well. We can speak of her later. It seems you have much to tend to." He told me.

"Jerry. You need not have done such. As beautiful as it is." I assured him.

He attempted to make up with jewels and fine silks, silver and gold for her carrying his child. Though it had always been the plan.

"I know. I just, I don't know how to feel. I was unsure how you would take it."

"You have done nothing wrong. I shall bathe and change from my riding clothes. Then we shall go to her." I told him.

"Go to her? Would you not want to have her brought here? To you?" he inquired, playing in my long hair that he loved.

"No. I would go to her. I am sure you have given her better arrangements. I would see them." I assured him.

"Of course. I do have a question." He asked, taking my hand and bringing me in closely to him.

"What is that, your majesty." I asked him. Our mouths so close together, we could have been one.

"Might I have my wife? And welcome her home properly? With thoughts of all else far from our minds?" he asked, taking my cape from me and helping me from my clothing.

"You may." I told him, as he lifted me from the floor and carried me into my bedchamber. Making love to me over and over. Once we had a break, we bathed together. Dressed and went to see Betheny. She and her new ladies curtsied to us low to the ground when we were announced. I went over, helped her to stand and kissed her on both cheeks. Next, I embraced her tightly whispering in her ear, 'Thank you.'

"There is no need to thank me, your majesty." She told me.

"Come sit. Get off of your feet. Tell me. How do you feel? If I know the king's children, he gives you no rest." I told her, winking at Jerrold who kissed me in my hair and then my hand.

I saw in her eyes that his tender gestures toward me made her uneasy. I made a note of it. It was true, my husband was easy to love. Spending nights with him, I knew would yield some feelings from her. She would be less than a woman not to have them. It did not change that he was my husband and she need remember that.

"It is true. I am often tired. I find I would sleep all day if I could." She shared with me.

"There is no reason you cannot. Wake to eat and then sleep again. You will need all your strength for labor. Believe me. I tell you only what I know." I assured her.

"I will heed your word, majesty." she told me.

"What are eating, tonight, my lady?" My husband asked her.

"I have only wanted peaches and cheese all day. It is the strangest thing." She told us.

"Ahh, yes. The cravings." He said. A wide, proud smile on his face. It sent a pang to my heart if I'm honest.

"Well. We have kept you long enough. I wanted to put this to you. It is no secret that you have been with the king and are now with child. My people love me and would shun anyone they thought may do me harm. I think it would serve us to be seen about court once a week and to take a meal together on another." I told her.

"Yes. Of course. I understand. It would be my honor." She told me.

My husband and I both stood to leave. As we walked towards the door, the look that passed between them made me uneasy now. It was as if they had a secret. I liked it not.

She was pregnant now. There would be no reason for him to visit her without me. I may have been desperate to see my husband with an heir. It did not make me stupid. I would not be a fool.

The Queen's Plan (Pre-Order on Amazon) release date 2/19/19Where stories live. Discover now