Chapter 3- Betheny

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Chapter 3


"This is a great opportunity for our family, Bethy. Do you know that?" My father, Sir Montrose asked me. Calling me by nickname he gave me as a child.

"Of course, she knows, Richard. How could she not? Being a lady in waiting to the queen raises her prospects of a good marriage markedly." My mother, Rose, answered for me.

"We are blessed that you were born such a beauty. Second only to the queen. How can any man resist wanting you for their wife? And with your mother giving me four sons, they know that you are sure to do the like." He went on.

"Father. Must you speak of children and I am barely at court." I said.

He was right. I was a beauty. I had always known it all my life. It was the reason my father had refused every hand that was offered to me. He was assured that one day, I could catch the eye of a Marquess, or a Duke even. My dark skin was clear and smooth. My brown eyes were shades lighter than my complexion and stood out. My lips were full and my nose round.

My body was well proportioned as well. My breast were supple and my small waist gave way to hips that were said to be prime for bearing children. All my life my parents received congratulations on having such a beauty. Today, we would see if their words were true.

My parents were here to deliver me to the queen. There were other ladies here to take up serving the queen as well. It had been three months since the queen's last stillbirth. She was out of her retirement and looking to fill the court with youth and beauty.

Some say that she was unusually spry and happy after this tragedy. Perhaps she knew something that we did not. All and all, was it not good to have a happy queen? I would rather serve a happy queen then a depressed one. I will say that.

After we were shown to our apartments, a three bedroom chamber, is more accurate. Which is lovely. Some ladies get a room and some must share. This was grand enough for me. Then, my parents could stay here when they would visit me at court. I was very content.

Once we were bathed, my long hair done up and covered in a golden net that showed my curls but held them in place. With only the front of my hair showing and pinned, we were taken to the throne room to be introduced to the king and queen.

She was indeed beautiful. If men thought me so, I know they would die to be close to her. Her chestnut brown skin looked radiant. Her brown hair hung down to her butt. I didn't know how she didn't sit on it. Her hair also seemed to have a wave to it. Naturally. Not the way people with straight hair would try and wave or curl their own. Her mouth was also full. Her lipstick sat perfectly upon it. And her eyes seemed to turn up at the edges. Slanted, I believed was the word.

I watched how the king watched her. He had such love in his eyes for her. Devotion. No. Obsession. Even when she whispered to her head lady who stood next to her, he laughed when they laughed. And I know he can't have heard what was shared between them.

It was as if her happiness was his. To be loved in such way. I prayed I would find a man to love me half as much as the king seemed to treasure his queen. Before I could give it another thought, we were stood in line to be presented to the queen.

When I was called, I stepped forward and curtsied, as did my mother as my father bowed.

"Come closer to me, child." The queen called out. It was funny to hear her call me child when she can't have been five years my senior. I did as she told me and stepped forward.

"The reports were right, you are indeed a beauty. My goodness. You put me to shame." She said. Taking me in with her eyes. As if she were studying me.

"Oh no, your majesty. It is you that do that to me. I envy your eyes and hair more than a lowly servant ought."

She looked at me for another moment. Then burst out laughing. Even her laugh was musical.

"You don't hold your tongue. I like you already. Tell me, I have quite forgotten. Are you married?" she asked.

"No, majesty. I am still unwed. A maid still." I announced to the court. Letting those of noble birth know I was pure and available to wed.

"Good. We will speak later." She said. Nodding her head to let me know to return to my parents. Once everyone was presented, the ball to welcome us commenced. We danced, ate and drank until I had to be seen to my chambers by my father. Our own servants, which we did not have many of, saw to me. I slept well that night. Glad to be at court.

The Queen's Plan (Pre-Order on Amazon) release date 2/19/19Where stories live. Discover now