Chapter 7- Her Majesty

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Chapter 7

Her Majesty

"You have cried all night. You know the king will come. We must make you ready to receive him." My cousin and head lady said to me.

"What have I done? I had not thought of the pain it would bring me to think of him with someone else." I admitted as she wiped my face with a cool rag as another of my ladies worked on brushing out and braiding my hair in one long braid down my back.

Just then, the king was announced. He came in, took one look at me and sent everyone away. He came to me, stood me from my chair and held me as I cried. Rubbing his fingers through my hair and kissing me over and over.

"See. This here. This look on your face and the tears that accompany it are the reasons I did not seek to do this. I have broken your heart." He told me.

Shaking my head in disagreement, I took a deep breath that I might answer him.

"No. no. You have never broken my heart. This is no different. I just underestimated the pain it would cause. But the outcome is worth it in the end. If it gives you and our lands an heir. A living one. Something I am yet to provide." I explained.

"You speak as if you are near your retirement age. You are barely in your twenties and conceive quickly. We just need keep you at rest the full pregnancy and watch you closely next time, the midwife and doctor assure me."

"Yes. There assurances are not worth much to me any longer. Which is why I had to take this matter on myself. I shall be well. We shall be well." I told him. Wiping my face and pulling myself together, I asked the king the question that I most wanted to know.

"Is it done?" I almost whispered.

"It is..." he responded. Bringing a few more tears from me.

"And she was truly a maid?"

"She was."


"Given in the morning, as you wanted." He told me.

"Thank you. She will come to you again tonight." I told him. Causing him to step back and look at me.

"No. why would she come again?"

"We must be sure. Almost no one conceives on their first time. Almost."

"You did. Do you not remember? We only had the chance to see our wedding night. I left for war the next day. A letter found me saying that you were with child." He said with a smile at the memory.

I decided not to remind him of the next letter that found him. Saying that I had lost the child as well as more blood than normal. He rode from the battlefield and stayed with me for a week until I had recovered enough strength to sit up and eat. Leaving again to go and win the war. Such was his love for me.

"I remember. But we must not take any chances. The doctor says that a week should suffice.

If not, then another week should do it." I explained.

"This is all madness. I want my wife tonight and on the morrow. As well as the next day. what shall I do with my longing for you? he asked.

"I am yours. If you want me here and now, then so be it. She can come to you tomorrow."

"Yes, I want you." he answered, kissing me deeply.

I returned his passion that radiated from his lips and body toward me. he lifted me up and sat me on the table that held my food and wine. He took his hand and knocked it all to the floor. He lifted my skirts as I undid the laces on his pants. When his manhood was released from it's cage of clothing, I smiled. He still desired me. I could tell at the way it greeted me.

As he kissed me, he entered me with intent. We both sighed at the sheer feeling that him being inside of my love gave. It was the assurance that he would always choose me. It was what I needed that day. He continued to move inside of me. Back and forth, making circles with his hips.

Our lips locked the whole time. His love was stirring in me a familiar sensation. One that started in my stomach and exploded out. Reaching and heating my entire body.

"Jerry. Oh my god. Jerrold..."

"I want all of your love. Give me your love..." He told me. I was not able to hold back as I exploded and he continued to love me.

"Aaahhhh. My love. oh my god." I said as I clung on tightly to him.

"I'm going to cum!!" he yelled, joining me as his thrust had become faster and harder. Now, he was slowing as he had just spilled his seed in my garden.

"I love you. Don't you ever forget that." he whispered into my ear. Where his face was resting.

"No, my love. I never will."

He canceled anything pressing for the day and we spent it in my chambers. Making love, playing cards and talking. Even though he spent the day with me. Convincing me that his love was only for me, I was hesitant. I had been so sure that this was a good idea for the country. I hadn't stopped to think what it would do to us. We would soon find out.

The Queen's Plan (Pre-Order on Amazon) release date 2/19/19Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz