Chapter 8-Betheny

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Chapter 8


It had been two months and I had not yet conceived. Her majesty insisted that we continue trying. So, we did. The time that the king and I spent together had yielded feelings between us. I would not go as far as to say that he loved me as he did her. But, he certainly cared for me.

He sent gifts to me. He had given me a large white stallion to ride. There was also a diamond brooch with my family's crest on it. Silk for dresses and a new set of silver dishes and wine glasses.

The wife had been away for her sister's wedding in Dura. I also think it was to separate her from what was becoming between the king and I. We had played cards, made love and fallen asleep. I on his chest as we always slept.

I woke with a feeling of illness that I had never had in my life. I rose from the bed quickly and found myself on my knees at the chamber pot, vomiting all that was in me. His soft touch pulled my hair from my face as I continued to be sick. His other hand rubbed wide circles on my back.

That feeling served to calm me and soon after, my stomach calmed as well. He wiped my face with a wet towel and gave me wine.

"Rinse." He told me.

I did as he bid me and rinsed my mouth out with the wine. Spitting it into the chamber pot. He then called his servant to take it away and bring two empty ones in it's place. Soup and tea as well. He helped me back to bed as I felt weak and still a little queasy.

"I apologize, your majesty. It must have been the duck at dinner. I have only had it once and it seemed too rich for me then." I apologized. Giving the only reason I could think that I had been so sick.

He laughed and moved from lying beside me. He slid down in the bed until he was at my stomach. There he began to speak to someone that was not me.

"Do you hear this, child. Your own mother thinks that it was the duck that makes her ill. Not you. What is it that you say? She shall learn soon enough? I agree little one." He said with a huge smile on his face.

"Your majesty?" I asked, confused.

He looked up, still smiling. "You wouldn't know. But I am old hat at it. You are with child." He told me.

I sat up quickly, in shock. I don't know why I was surprised. Wasn't this the plan? It was just, I had seen blood in my lacies myself. It was different from my other monthly visits. But I assumed that to be because I was no longer a maid.

"But I have bled." I told him.

"The same as always? Or was it different? Lighter? Lasting only a day or so?"

"Yes, your majesty. Both." I admitted.

"When was this?" he wanted to know.

"A few weeks after we began. I think." I told him.

"Ahh. Right. That wasn't your monthly bleeding. It was the baby arriving. Making a space in your womb. Trust me. The queen and I have been here four times. I know of which I speak."

"Are you sure, your majesty?" I asked him.

"Quite. But I will send the midwife and doctor to you today to be sure. Until then, nothing to exert yourself. We must be careful." He told me. He took note of my face and continued to speak. "Why does it seem that I am the only one who is happy? Was this not the goal?" He asked.

"I am sorry. You are right. And I am happy. It just that, it's that I shall miss you."

"Miss me? Am I going somewhere?" he asked, bringing himself back up to face me.

The Queen's Plan (Pre-Order on Amazon) release date 2/19/19Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant