Chapter 11-Her Majesty

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Chapter 11

Her Majesty

"She has declined my invitation to take tea with me, again. I do not like it." I said as I threw the note into the fire.

"The Countess says she is quite ill. The child gives her no peace." The lady sent to deliver her refusal informed me. Attempting to cover for her.

"She cannot fool me with that. I have carried many of the king's children. Though my desperate love for them to stay does not outweigh God's plan. Leave. I'll hear no more of her excuses."

My other cousin and lady, Shanta, came to me.

"I told you this was a horrid idea. Now she thinks herself on par with you. A queen. Because she carries the king's child. It shall only grow worse."

"And Jerry has love for her I know. When I tell him of her attitude to me, he thinks I make too much of it. He thinks that I am jealous."

"Which you are. As a woman, but you are not wrong. I think she shall be a bigger problem yet."

The more we spoke on it, the angrier I became.

"Shall we go see the Countess?" I said to my cousin.

With a smile, she called my other ladies to prepare me to see her. We arrived and found her in her chambers with a musician and people from court that had come to enjoy the day with her. I was announced and the look on her face was one of child caught his hand full of sweets.

They all stopped and greeted me accordingly. I purposely left her in a curtsy as I greeted others first. Slowly making my way to her. Grabbing a goblet of wine from the table. I took a sip, then made my way closer to her. As she remained low I took my hand and motioned for her to stand. I needed her to remember that I was the queen.

"I am glad to see that you have rallied. For you sent that the child in your belly kept you from my invitation. I came to check on you."

"It was so. The doctor left a tonic and it worked well."

"He works wonders, does he not?" I asked her. Watching her in a way that let her know I was on to her game. Reaching down to touch her stomach. I smiled. "And the child?" I asked.

"Is well."

"You are more than halfway there, Yet, you carry in a large manner. Has anyone told you?" I asked.

"Yes, majesty. The midwife has. They watch me even more closely now."

"Good. I am glad to hear it. Well I shall leave back to my apartments. The king left message he wanted to see me. Missed me beyond reason, I believe the letter said." I told her, looking to my ladies as if I didn't remember.

"Longed for, I believe it read, your majesty." one of my ladies corrected me.

"Ahh yes. Longed for. Well, we must also discuss a husband for you. As your job will be complete before you know it." I told her.

Her face was all I wanted it to be. Surprise, anger and embarrassment. I would not be treated as anything but the Queen and one love of the King. Not by anyone. We turned to leave and I instructed the musicians to play a lively tune. That everyone may enjoy themselves.

The Queen's Plan (Pre-Order on Amazon) release date 2/19/19Where stories live. Discover now