|Chapter 9|I Really Care About You|

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Simon's POV-Three Days Later

She hadn't said a word to anyone, and she was barely eating. She had eaten a slice of toast yesterday, and that was it. She only ate that because Ethan forced her to. She'd been staying in my room, and I hadn't taken my eyes off her, especially after I caught her in the bathroom trying to take a full bottle of sleeping pills. She wasn't getting any better, if anything... She was getting worse. She wasn't sleeping, she wasn't eating, she wasn't talking, she only got out of bed to go to the bathroom. I'd caught her scratching at her wrists and thighs, she'd scratched at her cuts and made them bleed even more, and it was just making them bigger and a lot worse.

She was sleeping in my bed, and I'd made a make shift bed on the floor. The boys respected my wishes after they had read the note Jamie had left. We'd cut it up, and all kept the bits that were for us. Vikk kept the bit for the other boys, being the most trustworthy asides from Tobi of course.

She was laid on my bed, just staring at the wall in front of her. That's all she seemed to do, sit, lie down, and just stare at anything and everything. Occasionally, a few tears would fall out her eyes, and I would swipe them away. I mainly just sat in my room and filmed or edited videos, whilst she just sat on my bed. I brought her food, but she'd just look at it, and then look away. I tried getting Ethan to get her to talk, but nothing seemed to get her talking.

I decided that for today we'd have a lazy day and that I'd put some movies on for us to watch in bed. I laid down and put my arm out, like I had a few days ago. She immediately laid on top of it, tangled our legs together and put her arms around my chest. I sighed, as this is the only bit of interaction I could get out of her. I put on some Rick and Morty episodes and we just laid there, until I heard her breathing become more relaxed. I looked over and saw her eyes were shut. I sighed, knowing that she was finally asleep.

I pulled my arms out from under her head as it was going numb. I laid on my side and looked at her face, but it was covered by her hair. I swept it behind her ear and looked at her face. She looked so sad, even in her sleep. I kissed her forehead, and shut my eyes next to her,

"I know you won't hear this, but I'm kinda hoping that somehow, subconsciously, this will get through to you. I know that you're down because of Jamie, and I don't blame you, trust me, I've been there, but I need you to try to get a bit better, even if it means you just eat, or talk, I don't mind. I miss your voice, please just, come back to us, I hate seeing you like this, I care about you a lot Scarlett, and I hope you care about me too, please just... try, you're really worrying me and I don't know what else to do," I said, and then I heard soft cries coming from her, "Scarlett?" I said and looked at her, her eyes were open and she was looking straight at me, she looked so vulnerable and broken. I sat up and wiped the tears from under her eyes. She shot up and hugged me, burying her face in my shoulder and crying into it.

"I'm sorry Simon," She cried, "I didn't mean to make you worry, I thought I was coping, but I'm not, I'm really not, I'm sorry, please don't hate me,"

"Hey, I would never hate you, it's okay,"

"I didn't know you were so worried," She whispered,

"Of course I was, I really care about you," She pulled away and looked at me,

"Thank you Simon," She said and kissed my cheek, I smiled and nodded,

"Cmon, lets lie down and sleep," I pulled her into my chest and we both gradually drifted off.

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