|Chapter 38|Three Magic Words|

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Ethan's POV-Same time

As she stood in front of me, sobbing her heart out, I realised just how broken she was, and just how much I wanted help be apart of helping her. After what she said sank in, I realised how much of an arse I was actually being and it hurt me to know I'd hurt her. So I said the only two words I could think of, "I'm sorry'. She fell to the floor and hugged her knees to her chest, there was enough tears to form a river. I could tell just by looking at her she was at her breaking point. I walked towards her and sat down, leaning my head against the bannister, my legs out in front of me, I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her towards me, she sat across my legs and hid her face in my neck, I wrapped my arms around her and just let her cry.

We must've been there about 20 minutes, my shoulder was soaking, but she cried herself to sleep. I lifted us both up, and carried her to her bed, pulling the covers over her shoulders and kissing her forehead. I walked out and grabbed my bag putting it by the inside of her door, just incase she woke up and still wanted me gone. I sat at her desk again and carried on editing my video, but I could barely focus, what if she was serious and wants me gone? What if she actually doesn't want us to stay together? I swung round in the chair and glanced over at her, even with her tear stained face she was stunning, every inch of her was flawless, I didn't care if she had scars, I didn't care about any of that, when I see her scars all I can think about is how strong of a person she is, for trying her best to get through it all, no, it wasn't healthy, but she was trying to get clean and to eat more and I admired her so much for that, I loved her for it, and I need her to know I love her, and all I can do is hope she loves me too. Her eyebrows scrunched together as she slept, and it looked like her breathing was heavier, I walked over and tucked her hair behind her ear, her eyes fluttered open and she grabbed my hand, "I'm sorry too," She pulled me towards her, so I climbed in next to her and pulled her to my chest, she nuzzled herself into me and tangled our legs together, "You have nothing to be sorry for, it was my fault, all I ask is that you try and talk to me a bit more ok?"

"Ok, and I do need to be sorry, I was horrible, you're my best-friend and the person I care about the most, and I spoke to you like shit, I'm so sorry," I lifted her chin and looked her in her glassy eyes,

"It's ok," I pressed my lips against hers and felt her relax, our lips moved slowly, yet passionately and I couldn't be happier with her, like this, in my arms, where I knew she was safe, loved.

"Thank you for being so incredible," She practically whispered, "I-I love you" and with that sentence she fell back asleep, and the smile on my face was huge,

"I love you too," I started to drift off myself, but this was going to be the happiest sleep of my life.

I'm sorry it's short and shitty, but hey its an update! How're you guys doing? I have something in the works (definitely not a draco fanfic noooooo) tbf tho I loved him b4 the tiktok craze! I ACTUALLY LOVE YOU ALL SM FOR ALMOST 20K READS!!!!!!!!!

-Katie <3

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