In Which Everyone Learns

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3rd Person POV: 

Alex worked at a animation studio. She was very secretive, and her co-workers knew nothing more than that she was gender fluid, liked salad and pottery, and had a significant other. Honestly, she was fine with that. The less they knew, the less she had to socialize and the more she could direct her attention to her work.

One day though, Alex came in looking a tad bit, well, chaotic. Her was in a short ponytail in contrast to the normal straightened and bobby-pined hair. She had haphazardly thrown on a pair of leggings and a light sweater. Her messenger bag was slug over one shoulder, current projects and commissions peeking out. 

She rushed over to her desk. Well, not really a desk. They had a small room, with two other people. Large windows overlooked the parking lot. They each had their own corner, with a a large, spacey desk, computer, digital pad, and of course, plenty  of drawing pads.

Alex's room coworkers were a young straight-out-college student, Corinne, and a nice, slightly older man named Matt. Over all, they didn't pry, and were happy leaving Alex alone. That didn't mean they weren't curios, though, and would be pleased to learn anything about Alex. 

Once Alex got to her seat, she took a moment  to refocus. She took out her current project, and began working. Corrine exchanged looks with Matt before simoatainisly looking at Alex. She set her bag down, and rearranged the picture of her and Magnus on their wedding day. Everyone had of course seen it before, but they had no more information on the matter. 

Alex looked in her bag before muttering under her breath. She had forgotten her salad. She called Magnus. Her roommates looked at each other confused. Alex never made calls.

(<arrows for Magnus>)

"Hey, Mag, I forgot my salad at home. Could you bring it?"

<Yeah, sure. What time?>

"Anytime is fine"

<Alright, see you in a few. Love you>

"Love you too."

"So we finally get to meet him?" Matt asked, directing the question to Alec. She blushed, but nodded.

—Time Skip—-

A knock resonated from the door. A 25 year old blonde man leaned on the doorframe, looking in with a devilish smirk. He strolled over to Alex, setting the salad the desk. He walked behind Alex, wrapping his arms around her.

"Hello, Magnus."

"Hello, m'dear."


"But I'm your sap."

"No, your my husband." Corinne and Matt looked at each other in suprise. This was a totally different Alex. Magnus turned to meet them, an easygoing smile on his face.

"Hi, guys. What's up?"

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