The Suitor's Cat

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(Idk I'll probably switch the POV up a bunch)

Alex Fierro was the most sought after woman in town. She had lately come into a great deal of money, as her father, and the founder of a famous oil and mining company, had tragically died in a cave in. As his only other heir had been married happily and rejected the fortune, Alex claimed the full inheritance. She was a rather beautiful women, and now in her late 20's, she had caught the interest of any single man in town. Instead of letting herself be swept away by these suitors, she created a list. She had any man interested in her sign the list, and she had wrote a letter to each man on the list with instructions.

Magnus Chase was one of these suitors. He worked as a professor at the towns university, and wrote poetry in his spare time. When he discovered Alex was going to be allowing a relationship, he signed up as well. Like every other, he revived a letter, which read:

Magnus Chase,

I believe you would like to strike up a romantic relationship with me. Read wisely. The only way you will succeed is by coming into possession of a golden key. There is only one copy of this key, and it happens to be a key to my house. I have recently adopted a cat, and this key is strung around the neck of this cat. If you can get the key off my cat's neck, I will be yours. This cat is intelligent, and will meet each of my suitors. The cat is bright green, can't miss it. 

Best of Luck,

Alex Fierro

Sure enough, a cat came around. Most of the men tried to catch it, rip the key off its neck, but the attempts were in vain. It was too smart, too fast. Instead of trying  to trick it, he sat on his porch, with a blanket and saucer of milk. When the cat came, it seemed confused that it wasn't being chased. Instead, Magnus spoke calmly to it. It warmed up quickly to him, and soon the cat had to leave.

The months went by, and every day, rain or shine, the cat appeared. Most men had been removed from the list, as the cat didn't like them. Most days, Magnus wrote poetry while the cat sat of his lap, purring. He talked about anything with the cat, knowing the cat was smart enough. He told the cat, too.

 At the end of a year, Magnus was the only one left. The last day, the cat walked up to him with the key, string with yarn, in its mouth. It dropped it in front of him. Magnus didn't really understand. The cat kept biding it towards him until it was in his hand. He stood up warily, following the cat. The cat walked home to the famed house of Alex Fierro. He nervously put the key in the lock, hearing a click of the door. The cat followed. As he turned to close the door, he heard a rustle behind him. He turned to see Alex in the place of the cat. She approached him, smirking with amusement. He startled, coming to a realization.

"You're the cat?"

"I'm the cat." And with a swift motion, her delicate lips were on his. It felt like a fantasy, but the golden, glistening key in his hand told him differently.

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