Partners in Crime

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Jasmine POV (it's an OC)

I woke up to a tapping at my window. I blinked the sleep out of my eyes, peering towards the window. A man, though not quite a man, maybe my age, froze, half climbing through my window. I began to scream, but a hand muffles it. I look to see two mismatched eyes in the dark. 

The other guy falls into my room, the other person leaning forward to whisper in my ear.

"You need to come with us. Like right now. I promise we aren't trying to kidnap you." Maybe it was the adrenaline, or the sheer confusion, but within ten minutes, I was climbing out of a window onto the fire escape, the two, who I now knew as Magnus and Alex, bickering like there was no tomorrow.

"You dumbass! You almost blew our cover!"

"I wouldn't have if you let me go through first! You're smaller than me! It's quieter the first time!"

I sighed. These two were apparently part of a group that traditionally were hit men, but due to some crazy gang politics, I was a target and the two, who they said were the best team in town, had been assigned to escort me to the base. 

"We're about  an hour's  walk from a hotel our group runs. We stay there for the night, then a car will be there to take us the rest of the way. We would take one tonight, but someone shot our driver." Alex scowled as he peered at a map.

We walked in silence for about half the way, mostly pointing out stupid little things or cars with weird license plates to keep us entertained. Soon, we got into a cluster of apartment buildings, when Alex  stopped suddenly, his hand immediately finding Magnus's. I raised my eyebrow in amusement. What even were these two?

A loud shot rang though the night, catching Alex in the shoulder. He grunted, falling towards the ground. Magnus, faster than lighting, whipped out a gun, hitting the attacker. He hoisted Alex up,  examining the shot in his shoulder.

"Tranquilizer. Great." Now with Alex bridal style in his arms, we continued on.


After a long, grueling walk, we arrived at a small motel. Magnus grabbed a set of keys from behind a potted fern. He made our way to a small little room, quaint but very cozy. I saw a desk, a door to what I assumed was the bathroom, a small TV and lamp, and two twin beds. Two. Beds. Two. 

"If you want, I can take the floor." I offered, thinking these two would probably want to sleep as far away as possible from each other. 

"Why?" Magnus did a cute little confused head tilt thing as he tucked Alex into one of the beds. 

"Well, where are you gonna sleep?" I questioned. Magnus simply chuckled as he crawled into bed with Alex, curling around his small frame. Why? Was Magnus spooning Alex? Why? Realization clicked in my mind as I saw Magnus shower  little kisses around Alex's neck and Alex cuddle closer into Magnus.

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