Romeo and Juliet

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this isn't what you think I swear

"So, what is the theme of Romeo and Juliet?"

"I think it's kind of an example of how stupid kids can be, and how they don't really think about consequences for their actions." Someone called from the back. "I mean, they fell in love even though they knew that it was wrong."

The teacher nodded, glancing to her notes. "Great explanation; now how does it apply to-" 

"Excuse me, miss?"


Sam crosses her arms. "I think that's an upsetting take. I think that it's a beautiful tragedy, and it shows how love overcomes all obstacles. They knew what they were doing was disapproved, but they didn't let that stop them. They overcame it." The teacher nodded absentmindedly, trying to continue.

"Great, but how does it apply to-"

"I think you're  wrong." Mallory cut her off. The teacher sighed, upset. "Look, they knew what they did was wrong, and they were selfish to continue to tear them apart."

"Okay, look. We'll have a vote. Whoever has the most votes wins." Great. That's what we need in a Highschool, people forming teams. "Who agrees that it's a beautiful and brave tragedy?"

Half the class raised their hands, scattered about. I raised my hand as well. I liked thinking that it had a nice ending, that it was all for the good of love. "Who thinks that it's a display of the stupidity of youth and their selfishness?"

The other half raised their hands. Sam sighed, counting out. "Okay, we'll deal with this later."The teacher carried on, two halves of the class glaring at each other.  

I sat in the library, reviewing notes for an upcoming test. AP Chem was whooping my ass, so I wanted to get ahead. As I scanned definition, someone sat next to me. I glanced up to see a green haired Alex Fierro. She was known throughout the school for her rich dad, who she supposedly hated. Eh, whatever. Wasn't interested in getting into her personal life.

"Hey, aren't you in my theatre class?" She questioned.

"Oh, uh, yeah. Crazy what happened in class today, right?"

"Absolutely. So, you on the youth is selfish side or the love is always the away side?"

I chucked. "Love is always the way. It's nice to see a happy twist on such a historically tragic story."

She nodded. "Personally, I think they're a little stupid. I mean, to be fair, teenagers have been doing what they're not supposed to for ages, but they should have known better." Someone cleared their throat. She looked up, meeting the glaring eyes of others.

"Why are you around an optimist?  Come on, study with us." She gave me a confused look. "Sure?"

"See you  around." She smiled, giving me a nod.


We laughed, disappearing around a corner, hand in hand. We had been dating for like three months, having to dodge and hide from our opposing groups. It was funny, kind of. We were almost living a modern day Romeo and Juliet. Hiding from the disapproval of others, fighting their limited views. I mean, we thought different, but that didn't make the dates any different. Well, it made Mario Cart more intense. 

He pulled me along, trying to find a good hiding spot. School had ended a bit ago, but the class wanted to stay late to argue, so we figured we'd sneak off. He pulled me into a closet, giving me a gleeful kiss. Thank goodness this wasn't a story where we both end up dead. Hopefully. 

short but kinda cute

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