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I apologize in advance. I cried writing this.

"You know what? I'm hanging up now. Because I'm not wasting my time on assholes like you!"

"Fine. Then we won't talk."


A click rang through the room, signaling that he did in fact hang up. I sighed. I loved Magnus, so, so, much. He was my heart. But we had been fighting a lot lately. I really didn't know what to do; did I do something wrong? I thought we had been fine, but he just got cold and distant. Oh, well. Something to think on.

I rose, heading to the kitchen. It was about dinner time, and I was hungry, so I was gonna make some comfort food! Tucking my phone in my back pocket, I pulled out a cutting board and a few potatoes to start. I hummed, trying to relax myself. It was just a silly fight, right? I could go a few hours without talking to him. 

There was a loud crash from outside, stirring my attention. Ah, those damn raccoons were back at it again. Turning, unaware of the knife still in my hands, I made my way to the door. The next few moments moved in slow motion, almost like in the movies. Perhaps, I should have picked up the pillow that had tripped me. Perhaps I should have left the knife at the counter. None of it really mattered anymore. Because once I fell, and my hands whipped out in front of me, and the knife plunged into my stomach, what I could have done didn't matter anymore. 

I gasped, whether at the pain or the fact that I accidentally stabbed my self,  I'm not sure. Okay, okay, okay. I wasn't dead yet. I still had time. This wasn't an instantly fatal accident. I just needed to make it to the hospital. I repressed a gasp of pain as I reached for the phone in my back pocket. I unlocked it, going the the phone app, trying to divert attention from the pain. The first person I saw was the same person who I just told never to talk to me. Okay, I'll call him anyway. At this point, with the blood loss, I wasn't really sure how to call someone new. 

The phone rang, the hollow sounds echoing across the room. A few seconds after, the call was declined. Okay, let's try it again. I called again, but this time, he immediately declined the call. My head felt fuzzy from the blood loss, giving me less attention to the task at hand. I called a third time. Maybe if I called  enough, he would pick up.  At some point, after several declined calls and lots of blood on my carpet, he just ignored  them. At the end of the call, I heard a familiar voice. 

"If you're heading this, I can't get to your call now, but leave a message!" The machine beeped. 

"Hey, Maggie. I know you may not pick up my calls anymore, but I might as well talk to your voicemail. So, I fell on a knife. That's why I've been calling. Funny, right? I would have called the hospital, but I don't remember how. Is it because of the blood loss? Probably. Oh, well. I'm getting a bit loopy now. Anyway, call me back."

I tried calling him again. The voicemail tone rang again. "Hey. So can you please pick up? Please? I don't want to die. I don't want to die. Just, pick up."

"Hey, you're not picking up, so I'll just talk to you. You know I love you, right? More than anything. Even with the fighting, I would die for you. Oh, whoops. Bad joke."


"Hey Maggie, it's 19 voicemails later. I think this will be the last one. So, I'll make it count. I'm sorry for saying those things to you. I love you,"  I chuckled. "There was actually something I planned to do. I bought an engagement ring. I hid it in your sock drawer. I was going to propose. Guess I can't do that anymore. Damn, this hurts. Oh, well. Maggie? Please know, that I love you. You are my world. And don't blame yourself for this. I take the blame. Just," I paused. "Just know that you are my-"I felt the phone drop. I didn't have the strength to hold it anymore. I sighed as I felt myself slipping away. So this was it. It was very peaceful. I would soon see Magnus. Goodbye, little world. 


"Oh my god, Magnus. I'm so sorry." Sam sobbed over the phone. 

"What do you mean?" 

"You didn't hear?" 


"Alex fell while holding a knife."


"She's dead, Magnus."

I felt my myslef freeze. That wasn't possible. She was just leaving me messages. I hung up on Sam, hesitantly clicking on Alex's first voicemail. 

"Hey, Maggie. I know you may not pick up my calls anymore, but I might as well talk to your voicemail."

"Hey Maggie, it's 19 voicemails later. I think this will be the last one. So, I'll make it count. I'm sorry for saying those things to you. I love you," She chuckled. "There was actually something I planned to do. I bought an engagement ring. I hid it in your sock drawer. I was going to propose. Guess I can't do that anymore. Damn, this hurts. Oh, well. Maggie? Please know, that I love you. You are my world. And don't blame yourself for this. I take the blame. Just," She paused. "Just know that you are my-" And the message cut off.  I sat in silence. I slowly stood, walking to my bedroom. Opening the sock drawer in my dresser, I rummaged around until I felt a small box. 

I lifted it out, running my fingers on the soft surface. I opened it, gasping. It was gorgeous. Taking it out, I slipped it on my finger, and cried. 

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