The Guard and the Monarch

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yes yes yes ye-

Magnus sighed as he, once again, stomped up and down the stone hallway. He was exhausted, of course, and hungry, and would happily use up all of his sick days at once, but, unfortunately, the damn kings and queens didn't understand that the guards were humans too. He had been working for- well, how long had he been working? He had been abruptly woken up at four A.M., given half and hour to get ready, and had not stopped working since whatever time it was now. 

He glanced at the clock. It was seven P.M., so, fourteen and a half hours. That was a personal best, but he knew people who had gone longer. The castle best was 39 hours. The poor servant was in the med wing for a week. 

The clang of swords on shields from the training yard shook him back to the present. He was currently trying to deliver a message to one of the many monarchs that were staying at the castle for a weekend-long celebration. According to the giver of the note, this one was going to king of Yeven, an important alliance. He turned into the courtyard, making a beeline to the king.

The king, obviously bored, noticed him immediately. "Hello, boy, how can I help you?" Magnus repressed a smile. This was one of the nice ones. He handed the wax sealed letter over. The king groaned. "Another complaint on a long list of things apparently only I can fix. Wonderful." Magnus turned away, ready to go do something else, when the king called him back.

"Oh, yes, guard. I have a request. My godson, he refuses to come out of his room, as he is studying something beyond me. He has not come out of his room once this weekend. Please see to it that he does not starve to death." Magnus nodded, heading to the kitchen. 

His stomach clenched with the scent of warm rosemary bread and beef soup wafting up form the kitchen. The most he had all day a large bowl of oatmeal for breakfast and an apple allowed for 'lunch'. He was starving. He grabbed a premade dinner plate, casting a look to the list on the wall. A list of all the rooms of the royals resided on the wall to help the serve staff know where to bring the food. Room 478. It was on the other side of the castle. Yay.


He knocked on the door, stepping back. The soup and bread was still hot, the warmth drifting through the plate and into his armor. The door swung open, and there stood a green haired prince. He wasn't terribly looking, Magnus realized with great pleasure. His heterochromatic eyes twinkled happily in the candle light, adding a contrast to his fair face. His dyed green hair was a bit of welcome brightness in the darkness of the castle.

"Hello, can I help you?" The prince asked, suspicion creeping into his features. 

"Yes, your Highness. Your godfather requested that I personally deliver your food." Magnus said, putting on his required Guard Mask. He had been endlessly trained to maintain a emotionless expression, posture perfect, and not speak until explicitly spoken to. The prince nodded, gesturing him in. Magnus placed the food on a side table, taking his position at the door. Idiotic Guard Rule 52: Stand guard while monarchs were eating, as they were more vulnerable. 

"Hey, you gonna go?" The nameless prince asked. Magnus gave a slight shake no.

"I'm supposed to stand guard." 

The princes rolled his eyes. "Who came up with that BS rule?" Magnus unintentionally let a sliver of amusement creep into his expression.

"Ah, he does have emotions!" The prince chuckled. "I'm Alex, by the way. Nice to meet you." Magnus regained his emotionless expression. "I guess you won't talk with me. Yet another BS rule. I'm studying physiology and body language, y'know. It's interesting, really. You can learn everything about someone just on how they stand." Magnus gave a small nod.

"You should eat your food. It may get cold." Alex scoffed, but relented. He gathered the food, sitting down. 

"Do me a favor. Relax. No one is going to attack me, and besides. You can help me practice by seeing your body langue."

As it was, technically, an order, Magnus did. His posture slouched, his eyes became heavy. Overall, he knew how he probably looked. Like a overworked, tired, half starved worker. Alex's eyes widened.

"Hey, you okay? You kinda turned into a zombie. How long have you been working? Have you even eaten today?"

"Well, I've been working about fourteen and a half hours, and I've eaten some oatmeal and an apple. It's what happens when you're a guard. Not a big deal."

"Of course it is! You look like you're about to collapse! You know what, c'mere." Magnus stepped over, moving in front of the prince. The prince stood, holding up the food. "I order you to make sure this food isn't poisoned." Magnus raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not sure I should." Alex pulled a chocolate bar out from under the desk. 

"I've got substinance. Now eat." Magnus smirked, taking a spoonful of soup. It was wonderful. Alex shoved a piece of bread in Magnus's face. "And maybe the bread. I don't wanna be poisoned, you understand."

About half an hour later, a full diner, eaten only by Magnus, and roughly five candy bars, eaten only by Alex, and the two were happily chatting.

"Wow, so how long have you worked here?"

"About five years, yeah. Ever since I was old enough." Magnus said.

"I can't imagine wanting to do that my whole life." Magnus shrugged.

"I was orphaned as a kid, and a guard gets payed alright, free living and food. And it don't mind it too much. There are some added bonuses. I've gotten tipped in rubies." Alex gaped.

"That's wild." The two laughed. Magnus looked to the clock. It was almost three A.M.. He stood, heading for the door. Alex rose, grabbing his arm. "Where are you going?"

"It's late, and I'm sure there's something for me to do. Thank you for this, though." Alex pulled him back. He pulled Magnus toward the bed, pushing him on the plush mattress. Magnus blushed.  

"Uh, hell no. You need rest. And sleep. You will sleep here, in this bed, as long as you need. That's  an order. I'll cover for you." Running out of reasons to argue, Magnus climbed in. Alex followed, curling up beside him. Magnus blushed. Alex pulled him closer, pulling the sheet over them. Magnus fell asleep to the soft snores of a contented prince.

hmm part two?

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