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Magnus POV

I softly blinked my eyes open, simply being met with dark. I rolled over, trying to go to sleep, when I heard a soft sniffling next to me. I rolled back over, feeling Alex's soft frame on mine. Shakes racked his body. I brought myself closer to him, pressing little kisses along his jaw. Soon enough, his breathing steadied.

"You wanna talk?" I whispered into his hair. He softly nodded.

"I still have nightmares. Of my dad." He rubbed his eyes with the back of his palm. "Ugh, this is pathetic. You shouldn't see me cry." 

I peppered his face with kisses, breathing in his piney scent.

"If the dreams come back, I'll fight them off with my bare hands."


God, I'm so sorry I haven't updated in so long, I forget. If you want updates, spam me with requests for updates, or I'll forget. Also, REQUESTS. I'm running out of ideas. Also, this is crappy, and short, but I promise I have a good one in the works. 

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