Untimely Dates

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"Are you ready to order yet?" The waitress, looking impatient, huffed out. I glanced at my watch. Where was he? My boyfriend was supposed to be here and hour and a half ago. I wasn't terribly surprised. He had missed a lot of dates lately. I sighed. Yeah, he was a douche. It was high time I got rid of him. But I wanted to try one more time. I was on my fourth glass of water. It was time to leave. I knew he wasn't coming. I stood up, grabbing my phone, when a stranger with a mess of blonde hair stepped in front of me.     

"Sorry babe, traffic held me up." He leaned over, pressing a small kiss to my cheek. I froze as an explosion of sparks flew through my body. The waitress rolled her eyes, but left for us to look over the menus. I leaned forward a little, my green hair brushing the glass.

"Who are you?" I whispered furiously. He shrugged, brushing aside a lock of golden hair.

"Magnus. Nice to meet you. Saw you waiting for someone. Didn't seem like they were going to come. Figured I'd help you out." I sighed, leaning back. Alright, I could work with this. "So, will I get the name of my date for the evening?"

"Alex. Nice to meet you. Yeah, I was waiting on my soon-to-be-ex-boyfriend. " The waitress approached us, a practiced smile on her face.

"So, what can I get you to eat?" She said through her teeth.

"Uh, the pasta please."  I glanced over to Magnus. "Same for him." She nodded, jotting it down, muttering something under her breath.

"So," My attention snapped back to my date. "Tell me of this awful boyfriend." I grinned. Oh. we would be here for a while.


We left the restaurant, laughing. We headed for an ice cream shop nearby, Magnus ordering cherry sorbet, and I ordering chocolate. We sat in the ice cream parlor, eating and talking.

"So, what will we do after this?" A million thoughts raced through my head, but I settled on one.

"Well, we trade numbers, and you offer to take me on another wonderful date, like this. " He smiled.

"I'd like that. Just one question," I glanced up, offering a small noise of curiosity. "Is a kiss in there somewhere?" I smiled.

"Sure." I leaned over the checkered table, grabbing his shirt and pulling his mouth to mine. He tasted of old paper and cherry, and his lumps were soft and pink against mine. I felt a rush of warmth, spreading htorugh my blood, making me dizzy with giddiness. He happily reciprocated, sliding his hands around my face, fingering with the hair at the nape of neck. I heard someone clear their throat near us. We quickly pulled apart, turning. A group of smiling employees stood behind the counter. I laughed, pulling Magnus, away form the small shop, into anywhere but here.

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