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tony walked outside the hospital, and leaned on the wall. he couldn't believe that this was happening. he didn't want to believe it one bit. tony and nathan had met thirteen years ago, and that had set up the two to basically dominate the world. 

their power, strength and intelligence seeking global dominance. 

tony became cold and ventured back into the hospital at the top floor and walked into nathan's room. imani and zana would be here quite soon, seeing the fate of there only guardian left. the thought of them being along, terrified tony. 

he wanted to protect them like his own and provide for them. imani rushed in, distracting tony from his thoughts. 

"dad." she said fastly, seeing a man who was on life support and slowly drifitng away.

"there has to be a way right? anything they can do??" imani questioned her mentor, him shaking his head. "they said it's up to him, if he wants to wake up." he said walking over to the two girls.

"thanks tony, for being here with him. and with us." zana smiled gratefully, him nodding.

"of course." he said before walking out and shutting the door.

imani fell asleep soon after sitting up and waiting for her dad to wake. her arms were tightly wrapped around herself, shaking in terror. 

a black car sped through the four way stop, immediatly crushing her father's car. the scene replayed over and over. she saw it from every possible angle, before seeing it from his. she bolted awake, sweating- alerting zana. she looked over at her dad and grabbed his hand. wishing he'd wake up. her mind began to grow dizzy, as tony walked in. 

hoping he'd find the girls sleeping but to his dismay they were not.

"imani?" he questioned seeing her eyes shut and her hand grasping her fathers. he pulled her back and shook her. 

"what?" she said opening her eyes and blinking. she grabbed her head, seeing the four way stop and then the hospital room. she was there, and yet still with her dad.

tony let go of imani, and waited for her calm down.

imani saw the car in front of her, then she'd switch back to the room. before seeing her mother across the room. 

she stood up, seeing the floor length gold dress embody her. capitvating imani. tony and zana looked at one another, before realizing imani had disappeared. 

"mom?" she asked walking towards the queen of africa. 

"yes, my sweet child." she mused. "mom." she said running over and hugging the one person she wanted to see most. 

she sniffled, looking up. her mom wiped her tears and wiped some hair back.

"mom, where are we?" imani asked as her mom led her out of the room. 

the hallway was not the hallway she had seen earlier that night, but something out of this world. they had walked out into the heart of africa- where the king and queen reside.

"you are where every soul goes. once they leave the human world." she began explaining. "a replica of earth, adding to the count of 24 last fall." she smiled at her kingdom. 

"you mean, im dead?" imani froze. "no, no dear. i meant to say that you can travel to here. you can travel and be in any place. time and space does not limit you child." she paused.

"you've seen time, mind, and power transform within and around you. you can add soul and space to that now." she finished.

"you mean, i can see you whenever i want to?" imani asked embracing her mom.

"you can see us." she said, looking past imani. imani turned around and saw her grandma, uncle and most importnantly- her father. 

"now, soul- you need to be very safe about." her grandma began. 
"i was soul, and your uncle was space. since you can see outcomes and scenarios- space and soul become precious. you may want to rewrite history or be somewhere. but that has consequences my tiger." she said with imani's nickname. they hugged. 

"you have incredible powers, but they need to be kept hidden and controlled. my wish for your father was that if anything happened to me, you'd all go back to america. where you'll be protected by shield. thankfully he did just that. but you need to train and prepare. ok sweetie?" her mom finished and imani nodded.

"you're staying here dad?" she said already knowing the answer. 

"it's time to pass the torch onto zana. tony will always be there, ok?" he said to his baby girl.

"i love you tiger." he said before she was engulfed by both mom and dad.

soul and space had to be protected, but at what cost?

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