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imani and zana wrapped their arms around one another. they were never going to be from eachother again. this experience had made them closer and stronger than ever before. 

"mom and dad would be so so proud, you know?" the older sister smiled down and the tv movie glowed on them. "i know. we kicked ass." she said snuggling in more. 

after everything, tony had plans for the two. becoming high Superheros on the avenger's team, something imani did not want. zana however, jumped at the opportunity. it was an exciting task.  imani stood up at the sound of the door bell. she didn't know who it was, and it was nearing 9 oclock. 

she opened the door, and stared at a very nervous peter parker. 

"hi... how can i help you?" she questioned closing the door.  she saw a car in front, and saw a women and boy. she smiled at them, before focusing her attention on peter. 

" i was seeing if you wanted to uh...go on uh..a da-date with me." he stuttered. she nervously smiled, and put her hands in her pockets. 

"peter..that's so sweet but, i have to decline. im sorry." she said. she saw his eyes water, and he nodded. "oh. ok. that's fine." he said smiling. "friends?" she questioned and he nodded. she wrapped her arms around him. for a brief moment, she let herself feel for once again. they parted and went separate ways. 

imani walked back inside to a laughing zana. "oh like you haven't turned down a guy before?" she smirked. zana rolled her eyes, thinking about turning down t'challa to stay in new york city. they would see each other on missions as friends. nothing more. sam on the other hand, had gotten under her skin once again. the two had rekindled the flame they once had. 

"besides, i don't want to date anyone just yet." imani defended herself. 

"whatever, let's just finish this movie and fall asleep." zana smiled cuddling her with younger sister. 

poor peter :( I am so beyond in awe, that you have read my story. 80K???!?! this has been going on for two years and I have finally finished lol. I love you more than you know.

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