Lymph Nodes

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It's Tuesday, 4 days after Jinyoung had biopsy when his phone rings. Knowing it's from the hospital, Jinyoung picks it up almost immediately.
"Yeoboseyo", he says.
"Yeoboseyo, mr. Park, this is nurse Choi from Asan Medical Center".
"Ah yes, can i help you?".
"Yes, actually I'm calling to tell you about your lab and biopsy result. Dr. Kang asked me to arrange a private meeting with you tomorrow. It would be better if you can bring your next of kin for tomorrow's meeting".
"I'm just told by dr. Kang to give the message to you. She asked me what time will you be available tomorrow because you must have a tight schedule".
Jinyoung thinks, "I'm available after 3pm I think, but I'll ask my manager first".
"Okay, how about I'll call you again to confirm?"
Jinyoung says okay and hangs up the phone.
"Is it from the hospital?", JB asks. Jinyoung is a bit surprised because he doesn't notice JB is standing close to him. They are in the middle of a photoshoot break. The maknaes and Jackson are busy chasing each other around the studio and Mark seems to be playing his game.
"Yea, the doctor said she would like to see me tomorrow", Jinyoung says. After talking to JB the other night, Jinyoung decided to be more open to his hyung. Besides, whatever the test result is, he still has to consult to JB and the company. He felt so much better after that.
"She said I should come with my family", he adds.
"Oh, have you told your family yet?"
Jinyoung shakes his head, "I called my mom yesterday, but I could not tell her. I told her I don't feel good but I said I already went to the hospital and  I'm getting better".
"So, what's your plan for tomorrow?".
"Can you come with me, hyung?".
JB smiles, he glad they already talked, "sure, but you still have to tell your family. Do it tonight. It's okay if you don't want them to come, just tell them what you want. Your parents are nice, I'm sure they'd understand".
Jinyoung nods. 
"Ok guys, break time is over! Let's get the photoshoot done!", the manager is shouting.
Jinyoung feels good today, but he can't help there are more than a pair of eyes watching him like a group of hawks. Ae Ri noona and JB of course already aware of his condition so Jinyoung already predicted they would act that way. They don't really show it though, for that Jinyoung feels really glad. But Mark, today Mark is a bit different. Of course he's very nice to Jinyoung. But today, he's exceptionally nice. He constantly asks Jinyoung to sit down, bringing him water and snacks, massaging his back. He even scold Jackson, Yugyeom and Bambam for teasing Jinyoung. Well, Mark is rather unpredictable indeed, but it's very weird to be pampered by him.
"Ok guys it's a wrap for today. Let's go grab some early dinner then we can all get some rest", Ae Ri noona shouts.
"Wait, don't we have dance practice  today?", Bambam asks.
"No, there's a schedule conflict with 2PM, so we're moving the schedule. Tonight is free time. You can go to the gym instead".
There's no schedule conflict, Ae Ri noona changed the schedule on purpose because of Jinyoung. She was told by the doctor that Jinyoubg can't do strenous activities. Jinyoung feels very bitter, he hates lying to his member. But he also feels relieved because the photoshoot was long and it's starting to take a toll to his body. The incision on his side is almost healing, but Jinyoung can still feel it's  pricking sometimes. He's starting to feel a bit lightheaded from the lightings and maybe because he's a bit hungry. He didn't have appetite during lunch so he only took a few bites and hid everything that's left because JB kept checking on him. Mark deliberately snuck up cheese sticks to Jinyoung's pocket but they remain untouched.
"Jinyoung-ah", Mark calls him, "Hop in my back".
"Wae, wae?", Jinyoung asks.
"Shut up, just hop in. I just feel like carry you to the dressing room".
"You're weird, Hyung!".
"I am. Shut your fucking mouth, do what I said".
Laughing, Jinyoung really hops in Mark's back. Jackson, Bambam and Yugyeom instantly shout, "EEEW". And just like that, Mark carries Jinyoung to the dressing room. Jinyoung clings to Mark, feeling the warmth of his hyung and suddenly he feels better.
The next day, JB and Jinyoung go to the hospital on time. Jinyoung feels his hands are cold and there's butterfly flying in his stomach. JB and Jinyoung had magazine interview for JJ Project so they're already together since morning. Jinyoung thinks the interview went really great because it helped him to distract his mind. They had fun, JB didn't talk about the biopsy as well.
In the end, Jinyoung couldn't talk to his family though. He imagines his dad and mom would go to Seoul immediately and that's just going to make Jinyoung feels worried. So he decided to keep it to himself until he knows exact diagnosis and what to do next.
"Good afternoon gentlemen, please have a seat", dr. Kang greets them politely when they enter her office.
Both JB and Jinyoung sit nervously.
Dr. Kang holds a folder that they think is Jinyoung's lab result.
"Thank you for putting up with me and waiting for the result patiently. Thanks to the technology, we can extract the tissue faster instead of having to wait for another week".
Jinyoung nods.
"So I want to discuss to you about your lab result first. I will try my best to explain this to you in laymen's term. You said that you've been experiencing fevers, chills, sweating in the middle of the night. I believe you don't experience appetite loss, but your weight is declining since your last check up. You've lost almost 3 kilos. And we also found swollen lymph nodes. It's the lump we told you and took out for sampling. We also found the swollen area in your spleen. You also have elevated leukocytes which indicates an infection. The swollen of the lymph nde can be caused by infection too, so we did biopsy just to make sure".
Dr. Kang continues, "the biopsy that we did was to test whether the lump is indeed caused by infection, bacteria, or because of abnormal cells growth".
"Abnormal cells growth?", JB asks, Jinyoung wishes that he could just shut his mouth.
"Yea, mr. Im.  It's when our body produce mutated cells and end up attacking the healthy cells. The symptoms that you experience is already a clear sign, to be honest we only did the biopsy to be more precise. So after we did some tests to the sample, I'm afraid that it's most likely the third possibility".
"What do you mean?", Jinyoung asks eventhough he already know where the conversation is going.
"A malignancy".
Jinyoung feels like his world is sinking right before his eyes.
"In your family history, I learnt that your grandfather died because of cancer, am I correct?"
"So We did biopsy to your lymph nodes. Do you know what a lymph node is?".
"No, can you tell us?", JB asks vigorously. Once again, Jinyoung wants to shut JB's mouth.
Dr. Kang turn his laptop to both of them. They can see a picture of a human anatomy. She begins her explanation, "Well basically The lymphatic system is a system of thin tubes and lymph nodes that run throughout the body. Lymph nodes are bean shaped glands. The thin tubes are called lymph vessels or lymphatic vessels. Tissue fluid called lymph circulates around the body in these vessels and flows through the lymph nodes. 
The lymph system is an important part of our immune system. It plays a role in fighting bacteria and other infections and destroying old or abnormal cells, such as cancer cells. When cells in the lymph nodes are mutated, it's becoming cancerous and attacking the healthy cells".
"What you have here", dr. Kang shows them the test result, "is called Hodgkins Lymphoma".
"I'm afraid that we might have to admitt you for futher test to see the stage and how much this cancer grows. In the the CT result we found swellings in your armpit and also your spleen. Means lymphatic system both your left and right side of diaphragm is affected. For now, we put you to stage 3. And because you show symptoms like fever, night sweat, so it's most likely type B. We need to admitt you to do lumbar puncture to make sure it's not spread to your bone marrow. Usually, it's not too necessary, but your blood count is pretty low. It's just a precaution so we can treat this the right way".
Both Jinyoung and JB are speechless hearing the doctor's explanation.
"Mr. Park, while I know it sounds scary, but Hodgkins Lymphoma is actually curable. The cure rate for this cancer in people your age is actually more than 80%. So I can assure you that the possibility is high".
"I will refer you to my coleague in Samsung Medical Center. They are specialized in cancer and have better equipment for treating cancer. We can finish the test here, and you can go there for further treatment. It's closer to your place and it has same privacy standard so you'll be feeling comfortable".
Jinyoung doesn't know how to react to the sudden news. In his head, he already thinks about the possibility of him being kicked out of JYP, unable to perform on the stage, and the hardest part is that he won't be able to work with GOT7.
JB steals a glance at Jinyoung. He has blank expression, almost like he's not there. JB takes Jinyoung's hand and squeeze it softly. He can see Jinyoung is blinking rapidly now.
"Cancer...", he mutters, "I have cancer?".
Dr. Kang looks at him, her expression soften, "I'm sorry mr. Park, I wish I could give you better diagnosis".
Ae Ri noona already waits for them when they finally gets out from the doctor's office. She gives Jinyoung sympathetic look so she must be aware of the diagnosis beforehands, which makes JB curious. Luckily,  Jinyoung's mind is too preoccupied he doesn't see the look on manager's face. Which is good, because Jinyoung would hate it. It is decided that Jinyoung will be admitted the next day. JB strongly force Jinyoung to call his parent, and leave a threat to Jinyoung that he would call them if Jinyoung doesn't want to.
"And we have to tell the boys", JB says, "we're going to have a meeting tonight".
"So soon?", Ae Ri surprised.
"We will tell them before we tell JYP hyung. What do you think, Jinyoung?".
"Do whatever you want, I don't care", Jinyoung says in almost inaudible voice with his head down.
"Jinyoung look at me", JB draws Jinyoung face closer to him, "it's not the end of the world. You hear dr. Kang, it's curable. You are going to be just fine. And we will deal with this, all of us. What did I tell you? We got your back".
"It's not that easy, hyung. I'm just an asset in JYPE, if I'm broken, then I'm useless. You guys will lose chance to make a comeback, it's curable but I don't know when I can be cured. Maybe next year or next two years? There will be new debuts and we all are going to be forgotten!", Jinyoung raised his voice, his eyes filled with tears.
JB pulls Jinyoung into his embrace because he doesn't know how to react.
"That's why I'm saying that we're going to have meeting tonight. It's not just about you. It's about all of us and I want to make sure the boys know what we're dealing with. Before it's all going out of control".
JB lets Jinyoung sobs.

Meeting tonight at dorm, 7pm. JB

JB sighs. He's still figuring out how to deliver the bad news to the boys. Jinyoung is sleeping, or pretending to sleep in his room. It took a while for Jinyoung to cry on JB's embrace. JB had to hold his tears too. When he finally stopped, he was too tired, JB backpiggied him to the car.
After they got home, Jinyoung went straight to bedroom while JB sat in the kitchen. Here he is now, drinking a bottle of soju to calm his nerves down. 
While drinking, he opens his laptop and google all sorts of things about Hodgkins Lymphoma but closes it immediately because he feels like it doesn't help him, just making him more anxious.
"Boys, how am I going to break this.... I hate being a leader", he murmurs.

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