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Mark Tuan is still playing Battleground when he receives a text message from JB. He suddenly jumps off his bed and get dressed. He rushes to the dorm immediately regardless it's still 5pm.
Luckily they all live near the dorm so it doesn't take much time for Mark to reach his destination. He meets several other trainee on they way, they all greet him politely, but Mark is in no mood for having a small chit chats. He has been waiting this few days, he can't wait to hear everything about his beloved little brother.
Really, Mark Tuan is very concerned if it's about Park Jinyoung. Eventhough the younger one sometimes only thinks Mark's attention is all about business, but deep down Mark really considers Jinyoung as his own little brother. Even his family took special liking to Jinyoung instantly after they met the polite one for the first time.
Mark knows Jinyoung hasn't been feeling his 100% for quite some times, but the younger one always manages to bounce back. But lately though, sometimes Mark can see dark circles under his eyes and it seems like Jinyoung moves slower than usual. He's really worried when JB said to him Jinyoung passed out, but he was too scared to ask Jinyoung personally, he focused more on his games instead.
"How's he?", is Mark's question once he meets JB.
JB just sits in the dining room, he hasn't prepared anything. He just stares at Mark with blank eyes, surprised that the eldest member would turn up this fast.
"JB, tell me!", Mark shouts, snapping the leader back to reality.
"Stay quiet, Jinyoung is sleeping. I don't want him to think we're talking behind his back", JB says softly.
"Gwenchana, hyung. I can't sleep anyway", Jinyoung suddenly turns up in the kitchen.
"Jinyoungie", Mark leads the younger one to the available chair in the dining room, "I'm so worrried. You feel okay? What did the doctor say?".
Jinyoung sighs, he knows there's no point of lying to Mark, he knows Mark has been giving him extra attention lately so he probably has sensed something wrong with Jinyoung anyway.
Jinyoung shows Mark the envelopes from the hospital, "my test result".
A little bit afraid, Mark opens the thick envelopes. He doesn't understand most of the medical jargon stated in the papers, but he stops at the biopsy result.
"Hodgkin's Lymphoma?", Mark says, trembling. He looks at Jinyoung who sits across him, looking for a clue in Jinyoung's eyes. He prays that it isn't like the thing that he's been thinking of.
"Cancer, hyung. I have cancer".
The papers slip from Mark's grip. Mark doesn't know what to respond, he looks at Jinyoung and JB. They both have unexplained facial expression.
Jinyoung really doesn't want to cry anymore, he's pretty tired, his emotion is wrecked. But seeing Mark's face, he just can't hold himself. He stands up, facing backward, pretending to make a cup of coffee.
"I don't really get what the doctor said though. I looked it up on google and I'm still clueless", Jinyoung knows his hands are shaking real hard, he can barely scoop his coffe powder without making any noise.
"Jinyoung-ah, please sit down. I'll make you coffee", JB say tiredly. And he is tired, it's been a hella rollercoaster for him and Jinyoung these few days.
"I can't even make my fucking coffee  now?", Jinyoung snaps, surprising his two hyungs.
Both JB and Mark look at each other anxiously, they don't expect Jinyoung to snap. The boy is clearly in a mess, it's something that they don't see often. Jinyoung is always the one who can keep his composure even in the most stresful times. Even when he's angry, he won't express it spontaneously.
It's Mark who reaches out to him first, "sorry Jinyoung-ah. Please, have a seat. Here, sit next to me".
When the younger man doesn't give any respond, Mark stands up and hugs Jinyoung from the back. He can feel the younger man'a body is shivering. Maybe he is crying, maybe not, but Mark can feel Jinyoung is terrified. He can't keep his tears any longer and he cries in Jinyoung's back. JB can't stand the scenery either. He's sobbing slowly, failing to hold his tears.
When the sobbing seems to have been subsided, Mark pulls Jinyoung to the chair.
"What are we going to do hyung?", Jinyoung asks Mark, his face is puffed and there are still tears running on his cheeks.
"We'll deal with this together, Jinyoung. Like we always do, okay?".
Mark holds both Jinyoung and JB's hands and gives them reassurance.
When finally all the boys gather, it's already dark. The dorm becomes really noisy because Yugyeom, Bambam and Jackson can't stop pulling jokes. Youngjae brings Coco with him, it helps Jinyoung to focus on something else while Mark and JB staring at him constantly.
"Feels good to be back here, hyung", Bambam says, "I kinda miss this dorm actually".
"What is the announcement, it's rare to have a meeting here", Youngjae asks, he is playing with Coco along with Jinyoung.
"Will we have another comeback?", Jackson asks, he can't contain his excitement.
"Oh, or a movie offer??", Yugyeom joins Jackson.
"Commercial!", Bambam shouts.
"Okay, I guess we'll have to break this up. Get it done with", JB whispering to Mark.  Mark nods.
Jinyoung seems to understand, he gives Coco back to Youngjae and sits on the sofa.
"Listen boys, I have something to say", JB starts. He pauses a bit because his voice is breaking, "it's about Jinyoung".
Mark goes to Jinyoung and pulls the handsome man closer to him.
"Wae? does he get another movie offer??Awesome!", Jackson shouts, "I knew you'd do well! Don't forget about what I said to you, handsome!".
JB glares at Jackson, and he immediately shrugs like a wounded puppy. Bambam and Yugyeom laugh at him but suddenly stop when JB gives them deadly glare. Youngjae picks Coco and holds her up, he finds the whole situation is uncomfortable and he doesn't like it.
Jinyoung just looks blankly at the floor, Mark keeps holding his hands.
"Now please pay attention and listen to me carefully", JB starts talking. His tone deeper, he sounds older than his real age, he can't hide exhaustion in his voice, "You guys might have been noticing that me and Jinyoung haven't been with you lately. And maybe you've or maybe you haven't realized that Jinyoung is not on his top form lately".
Everyone stays silent, a cold feeling somehow starts to creep on their back. Jinyoung bites his lower lip, he feels bad for JB. He knows he should be the one who breaks the news, but his throat is clogged. He doesn't understand why he cannot act like his usual self. He's been crying non stop today and it's just weird for him like he's being naked in front of everyone.
"Well these past few days, Jinyoung had undergo several checkups, sorry for not telling you guys. Only me, Jinyoung and Mark hyung know about this. We didn't say anything because we didn't know what went wrong for sure so...".
"Anyway", JB continues, "the result is out..".
He stops because his voice is shaking. He opens the envelope from the hospital. JB hates to be a leader in times like this.
Youngjae receives the envelopes and starts looking at the lab result, he honestly doesn't understand a word.
"I have cancer", Jinyoung's voice breaks the silence.
All heads turn to Jinyoung. Jinyoung takes a deep breath and continues, "Hodgkin's lymphoma stage 3. They will do a lumbar puncture on me tomorrow to check if the cancer cells invade my bone marrow too".
No one reacts, only Mark grips tighten, giving Jinyoung strength. 
"Doctor said it's curable and there's a good chance I will get through this. The doctor is optimistic".
There's an eerie silence, no one is making any noise. Even Coco seems to understand the importance of the event, she stays silent on Youngjae's lap.
"But....", Jinyoung's voice breaks, "I don't think I can be with you guys for a while... So maybe.. just go on without me?".
Jinyoung seems very tired, he looks very frail.
"That day", Yugyeom is the first to comment, "the dance practice... you fainted didn't you hyung?".
Jinyoung gives a small nod. He feels embarassement creeping, he really doesn't want to look weak in front of his dongsaengs. But he knows he has to let it go now.
"I knew there's something wrong..  I .. I just didn't have the courage to ask".
"Why...", Jackson speaks, but missing the usual high pitched cheerful tone, "why didn't you tell us?".
Jinyoung wishes he can answer Jackson. He wishes he could remove this annoying lump suddenly growing in his throat. All eyes on him now, asking for explanation. Jinyoung feels overwhelmed. His head is spinning and he feels like he wants to throw up. Only Mark who still holds his now sweaty hand.
"We weren't sure", JB breaks the silence, he watches Jinyoung closely knowing that the younger one is probably under a stress, "I'm sorry I had to keep it a secret until we found out".
"What kind of cancer?", Bambam eyeing the envelope remains unopen on the coffee table.
"Lymphoma, it's a cancer in your lymph nodes", Mark says, JB amazed how Mark can stay calm in this situation.
Jinyoung closes his eyes, only hearing the name of his illness makes him feel sick to his gut. His stomach churning as he feels bile ready to come out. Jinyoung tries to swallow a couple of time, but he knows he has to get out.
"Excuse me", without loosing his manner, Jinyoung stands up abruptly and runs to the bathroom.
JB stands up to get him, but Mark catches JB's hand and shakes his head.   JB sits back down hopelessly. All they can hear is faint sound of Jinyoung's retching painfully.
Yugyeom's eyes redden, he begins to feel his eyes burn and blurry by tears, Bambam just sits ther with blank expression, Youngjae keeps on stroking Coco silently, and Jackson can't keep his eyes away from the bathroom hoping he could just go there and bring Jinyoung out from whatever mess he's in.
After a while, Mark heads to the bathroom to check on his beloved little brother. "Jinyoungie", Mark calls him but there's no answer, "I'm coming in".
Jinyoung leans on the toilet, his arm covering his face.
Mark's heart breaks seeing the scenery, Jinyoung looks so small and vulnerable. Mark squats in front of him, "you can do this, Jinyoung-ah.. let's go back there. We can do this".
Mark pats Jinyoung's head. The younger man lifts his head from his arm, feeling a bit stronger. His face is red, Mark can see tears flowing down his cheeks.
"Take a deep breath, wash your face, you're going to be okay", for Jinyoung that is an order from his eldest hyung. As usual, Jinyoung choose to obey.   Mark helps the younger one to get up. Together they go back to the living room.
The awkward silence is still lingering in the room, no one says anything for a few minutes. Jinyoung doesn't have the courage to look at the members face but he's sure Yugyrom is crying.
Jinyoung reaches for the envelopes and opens it up, "I have Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Stage 3 for now because the doctor found cancer has spread in both of my diaphragm. They have to make sure it hasn't progressed to stage 4 so they will do lumbar puncture tomorrow".
Jinyoung clears his throat to keep his voice steady.
"They will make schedule for my treatment soon after they get the result. Doctor talked to me about chemotherapy, radiation and possible option of bone marrow transplant. But I'll know for sure after lumbar puncture".
"I.....", Jinyoung voice hitched, "I... I don't know how long this treatment will be... I think I will have to give resign..,"
"Stop....", Jackson says, cutting Jinyoung'a words, "if you say you're going to quit on us, Park Jinyoung, I swear I'll hit you".
Jinyoung shocked, he looks up to see Jackson's face. His pretty face that usually full of smile is gone, replaced by an angry face.
"If you're going to say that you're leaving, don't ever talk to me again".
"Jackson..", Jinyoung pleads.
"Jackson, control your temper", Mark stares at Jackson with fierce look, "Jinyoung hasn't decide on anything. Things will be decided by all of us".
Mark turns to Jinyoung, "stop making assumption on yourself. Who do you think you are? Are we not your family here?".
"7 or never", Bambam whispers.
"Guys, guys...", JB says tiredly, "stop arguing okay. Jinyoung is really having a hard times these past few days. Let's not make him more stressed. We haven't make any decision. We haven't even tell JYP hyung about any of this. We have told Ae Ri noona and she's the one who helped us arrange everything. Of course this will have a lot to do with us, but for now we just want to let you know that Jinyoung is having a condition. Mark hyung is right, all decisions must be made by all of us and JYP hyung has to know about this.  I really don't want to push everything tonight. We're all tired, especially Jinyoung. You guys must be really shocked too, Jinyoung also. We can't decide on anything with our current state. We're too messed up. It's up to you guys how to deal with this or what to think or do, I think you are already grown ups. This is of course a big deal for all of us. So we need to talk about his again when our heads are clear, and we're definitely going to discuss this to JYP hyung because he'll know what's best for us. I just want you guys to know that I'm still here, and me and Mark hyung we have a commitment to help Jinyoung to go through this".
"Hyung...", Jinyoung looks at JB with puzzled look. JB put his hand to Jinyoung's nape like he usually does.
"We gor tour back Nyoung-ah.. don't think too much okay".
JB smile sends warmth to Jinyoung's heart and the rock in the pit of his stoamch slowly lifts up.
"I don't expect you guys to accept this right away", JB turns to other member, "I don't expect you guys to stay. Jinyoung will have a big day tomorrow and he needs a lot of rest tonight. At least you already aware of his condition, that's what I'm hoping. You can read his test result if you want.. I can explain as much as Jinyoung..".
"No hyung", Jinyoung says softly, "I will tell you everything you need to know". Jinyoung feels a whole lot stronger this time, "I'm sorry I had a breakdown earlier.. I'm ready now".
"I'm sorry", Jackson looks ar Jinyoung, his eyes soften, "I'm sorry because I snapped at you".
Jinyoung smiles.

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