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Park Jinyoung lying on the exam table on his side with his chin tucked to his  chest and knees tucked to his abdomen. Doctor Kang, an anasthesist and two nurses are present for the lumbar puncture.
Jinyoung feels a bit embarrased because he' only wearing a thin gown with his back exposed. He shivers, it's cold in here without him wearing his clothes. He also feels thisty, doctor forbids him to drink any fluids hours ago. The exam room is bright and white like any other room in the hospital. It only has a bed and lots of medical equipment, but it's quite spacious. There's a glass window, but the curtain is drawn, making it unable to see what's outside . Jinyoung's parent and Mark are outside.
Jinyoung called his parent late at night, and they came in the morning right away. They are a lot stronger than what Jinyoung thought they would be. Jinyoung thought his mom would bawl when she saw him. But her mom stayed really calm, she's smiling like usual. Jinyoung could see trace of tears and black circle under her eyes, but she didn't say anything. She gave Jinyoung a big hug instead. Jinyoung thinks his dad played a role in this. Dad always knows how to handle with hard situations and he's probably the most stable person that Jinyoung knows. For this, Jinyoung feels really grateful.
Mark stayed with him at the dorm last night. Jinyoung already said that it's okay, but Mark insisted. Instead of sleeping in his own room, Mark slept at Yugyeom and Bambam's room which is practically next to Jinyoung'a room. Jinyoung feels a little bit overwhelmed with the attention he received. He's used to be alone and he likes it. Having other people around, he feels awkward. But at the same time he can't thank his hyung enough. Having Mark by his side is really calming, there's a certain aura that makes Jinyoung feels safe beside him. His presence only helped Jinyoung to go through the night.
Other members were leaving after JB deemed Jinyoung needed to rest. Jinyoung didn't want to know what the other members were thinking. But they all gave him group hug before going. Yugyeom seemed like he's about to cry again, but he managed to hold his tears. Jinyoung guessed he probably stayed with Jackson or Youngjae to cry his eyes out. Jinyoung and Yugyeom fight a lot, but they really care for each other. Among all member that had to leave last night, it was Yugyeom that Jinyoung found hard to let go. He knew Yugyeom wanted to give him a big giant hug, but Yugyeom held it because he probably knew he would cry. So he left awkwardly.
Jinyoung sighs, so many thoughts swimming in his head right now. Partially, he blames himself for making his member to suffer, because of him they have to deal with uncertain future and that's what hurts him the most. Maybe more than having this damn cancer. Damn cancer... why him? Out of millions other people, why him?
"Mr Park Jinyoung, we're going to start the procedure. Dr. Jo here will give you anesthesia so you will feel a little prick in your back. And after that, I will inject you with a bigger needle to collect your spinal fluid. You may feel discomfort, but I will need you to stay still and relax so we can collect the fluid faster. Do you understand?".
Jinyoung nods.
"Ok, let's get started".
Jinyoung holds his breath when he feels a prick on his back, just like the doctor said. After a while, he feels weird sensation tingling.
"Can you feel me poking you, Mr Park?".
"No", Jinyoung aswers honestly.
"Okay then, let's proceed with the bigger needle. You may hold your breath, but it's better if you breath normaly because it allows you to stay relax, okay?", the doctor's voice sounds softer this time.
Jinyoung takes a deep breath, getting ready for whatever is going to happen. Suddenly he feels a sharp object stabs his skin onto his bone, the pressure is nothing like he expected before. He feels his back is suddenly being hit by a truck. He whimpers softly, afraid to make a move. Jinyoung clenches the sheet so tight his knuckles are white.
"Relax Mr Park, the fluid is being collected now.. We will be finished soon", dr Kang gives him assurance.
But the pain is almost unbearable, Jinyoung closes his eyes, a trail of tear espaces his eyes. He whimpers again. A few minutes feel like eternity for him. Jinyoung can feel the pressure is lessen when the needle is being pulled out.
"Done Mr. Park, you did a great job. Take a deep breath".
Jinyoung's body becomes lax , he doesn't dare to move just yet. When the nurse helps him to straighten his legs, the pain is still persist. Every time he moves, the pain intensifies. Jinyoung groans.
"Sorry Mr Park, I know it's uncomfortable, but you have to be in flat position for at least an hour from now. It's better fot you if you can catch some sleep. It will reduce the headache from the anasthesia and lower the risk of bleeding",
dr Kang explains while checking for Jinyoung's pulse, "I will call your family in, okay?".
Dr Kang looks at Jinyoung simpathetically, seems like Jinyoung's still in pain.
Jinyoung's mom almost runs at him, her breath stops when she sees Jinyung's face as white as the hospital sheet.
"Aigoo, my son...", Jinyoung's mom stroke his son's hair dearly, "you did great, my love. That must hurt really bad.. It's okay, mom's here now don't be afraid".
Jinyoung holds his tears. He wants to cry but he's afraid he would make his mom cry too.
"Water", Jinyoung whispers, his throat burning.
Jinyoung's mom gives him a glass of water, he sips through the straw gratefully.
"My feet are cold", Jinyoung complains. His mom pulls the blanket to cover Jinyoung's feet and goes back holding his shivering hands.
"It's alright my son... it's alright", Jinyoung's mom keep chanting the soothing words beside Jinyoung. She keeps holding Jinyoung's hand, pats it softly. Jinyoung remembers she used to do this everytime he got sick as a child. No matter how late it was, his mom was always beside him, stroking his hair gently and lulling him to sleep. 
Jinyoung's body is sore, but the sweet voice of his mom drifts him, making him feeling peaceful. He closes his tired eyes and heads to a deep slumber.
When Jinyoung wakes up, his mom is still holding his hand. Or he thought so. He opens his eyes slowly adjusting to the bright light. His body still feels sore, but the pain has worn off. When he turns his head, it's not his mom who sits beside him, it's JYP hyung.
Jinyoung gasps in surprise and automatically tries to get up. Pain shoots from his back, he frowns.
"Oh oh, relax, don't get up.. ", the producer holds him and guides him back to lying position.
"Hyung.. ", Jinyoung feeling flustered. Has anyone told JYP hyung about his condition.
"Hyung, how did you.. why...", afraid, Jinyoung really can't think straight. Questions just blurt out of his mouth.
"Easy, Jinyoung ah", JYP pats Jinyoung's shoulder, "I'm just want to make sure you're alright. I was about to wait for you guys to come to me, but you know I'm not the most patient man... I just can't help myself".
"So... you knew?", Jinyoung's eyes widen.
"Yah, do you underestimate me?", JYP asks jokingly, "who do you think got you exclusive medical facility? You're a top priority here".
"Re.. really?", Jinyoung is taken aback, of course he is receiving an exclusive treatment indeed, but he didn't think it's because of JYP.
JYP taps Jinyoung's head affectionately, "you guys are too busy playing around with me, you forgot I have a big influence here in Korea".
"That, and dr Kang is actually my friend from highschool".
Jinyoung gasps, "Oh, she's your friend??".
"I told her to send me every detail about your health condition. So I knew all along, okay. I thought it's best to keep it a secret because I knew you guys would get things sorted out before you guys come to me eventually. But, when Min Ae told me you have to do lumbar puncture I just can't stay silent. I almost crazy from sitting in the office, waiting for any news about you. So I'm here".
Jinyoung looks at JYP with admiration. He never knew JYP had a really soft spot for any of his talent.
"Thnak you, hyung", Jinyoung says sincerely.
"You get better, okay.. Don't think too much. That's the only think I'm asking for".
JYP looks straight at Jinyoung's eyes. Jinyoung feels overwhelmed, he know what the hyung means. Don't worry about your job.
"But our contracts, our comeback.. we would miss opportunities while I'm recuperating for I don't know how long..", Jinyoung begins to ramble. He usually doesn't say much when he's in front of his CEO, but hyung's eyes make him to wanting to be honest about his feelings.
"Jinyoung ah...", JYP interrupts, "about GOT7... do you know why I always let you guys go alone? Do you know why JYPE seems to never support GOT7?".
Jinyoung shakes his head.
"Because I know you guys are individually talented. You are trully one of the most talented idol around. I want you guys to go big because of you, not because you are a part of JYPE. I want you to fight earnestly because of GOT7, not because of JYPE. Whatever success you achieve, it all comes from your effort, not mine".
Jinyoung falls silent.
"Listen, your opportunities will stil be there. About your contracts, I'm sure you guys will talk it out. But I'm sure they would want you to stay. Don't think I would ditch you because you are sick. You guys are not only my assets, you are my dongsaengs. I love you with all my heart. Don't ever think that I care for you only because you guys make money. I'm not that kind of person. Get treatment, be healthy, and you guys can have a comeback at any time. With your talents, I'm sure people will still recognize your music. 7 or never ia your motto, right?".
Jinyoung's eyes suddenly blurry.
"You said yourself you will be my successor", the CEO holds Jinyoung's hand very tight, "I don't want to change the company's name".
Jinyoung can't contain his tears anymore. He lets the flow freely in front if his CEO. JYP hyung is very strict to them, it's because they love them so much like a hyung love to his dongsaengs. Jinyoung never thought of that before. He only knew JYP as a CEO and that they work under his company, so there are boundaries when they communicate with him. It's the first time the CEO opens himself in front of his talent.
JYP gives Jinyoung a big hug after that and he excuse himself. Jinyoung knows the CEO probably doesn't want Jinyoung to see him cry.
dr Kang comes in after to inform him that he's given a clear to go and there seems no serious side effect. But she warns Jinyoung to lay in bed today and do nothing strenous for at least a week. She also informs Jinyoung that he may suffer fot headache and or vomitting probably until a week after the procedure and tell him to go straight to the hospital if he experience fever, severe headache or vomitting.
"And I'm sorry for not telling you aout my relationship with Jinyoung", dr. Kang sighs, "I mean JYP. He's been a pain in my ass since highschool".
Jinyoung laughs, but stops because his back is still hurting.
"Actually, thank you doctor... We've been keeping this from JYP hyung. But having him to know beforehand is actually quite relieving". 
Dr Kang smiles, "he's annoying indeed. But he's one of the nicest person I ever met".
A male nurse comes in with wheelchair and Jinyoung's clothes.
"I reckon you're still sore, so the nurse will help you change your clothes. If you don't want to use the wheelchair it's okay. But I highly recommend it so your spinal bones doesn't take too much pressure. We are going to use private route so you won't have to worry about going through lots of people".
"JYP order", dr Kang adds, "That'a why I said he's a pain in the ass".
Jinyoung smiles widely.

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