Time Off

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"Jinyoung ah wake up!", Jinyoung stirs  when he hears someone calling him.
"Wakey, wakey", annoying voice is heard again and this time someone also pats his shoulder, shaking him.
"Wake uuuuuupppppp".
So annoying.
Jinyoung opens his eyes, peeking a bit just to find Jackson's face in front of him. Sulking, Jinyoung closes his eyes again.
"Hey, don't go back to sleep! Come on, wake up!".
"Nooo, I'm still sleepy. Go away!", Jinyoung swats Jackson away.
"We're going to go together, come on wake up!".
Jinyoung pulls his comforter covering his head, "No!".
"The boys are waiting. You wake up or I'll carry you with me".
"Boys?", Jinyoung peeks from his comforter, "what boys?".
Jackson smiles wide, "why are you so cute? Uri Park Jinyoung is so cuutee!".
"Jacksooon", Jinyoung whines. He gets up anyway, but his joint is throbbing.
"What do you mean what boys?", Jackson says with full spirit, "our boys!".
Jinyoung tries to sit down although his body is protesting. He opens his eyes widely when he finds out Jackson is wearing floral jacket and flashy colored pants.
"What the hell are you wearing? Are you cosplaying or something?", Jinyoung can't hold his laughter, "Did you borrow this outfit from Bambam?".
Jackson's expression changes suddenly, "Bambam forced me to wear this because I lost in paper rock scissor. Also,  the one who had to wake you up. Do you have any idea how hard it is? considering that you're the most not-a-morning-person in this planet. This is humiliating".
"You guys are really something aren't you?".
"Yea, yea.. now you want to get up to see the boys are not?", Jackson rolls his eyes.
"Wait, my knees hurt", Jinyoung rubs his knees, "morning routine".
Jackson sighs, "We are already late. You give me no option here, Park Jinyoung".
Suddenly Jackson puts his arms around Jinyoung and he lifts his friend up.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa", Jinyoung feels surprised with the sudden movement,  "what are you doing?".
"I'm giving you a hand. It's already late, we have to get going", Jackson carries Jinyoung bridal style. Jinyoung  linger his arms automatically to Jackson's neck.
"Where?", Jinyoung feels flustered because Jackson doesn't seem to give him any clue.
"Ah, you ask too many questions. Just shut up, you'll like it".
Jackson carries Jinyoung to living room where the GOT7 members are waiting. With Jinyoung's current weight, Jackson can carry him with ease. Jackson feels sad, but he tries not to think about it nor shows it because he knows Jinyoung can read his expression.
"Jinyoung hyuuung", Yugyeom is the first person to greet him at the living room.
Jinyoung is more surprised because all members are present, they all are sitting on the sofa. Jinyoung's mom is sitting in the middle, busy packing piles of clothes into something that looks like a duffel bag.
"What's this?", Jinyoung asks once Jackson put him down to join his gang. Suddenly, a fluffy white ball jumps on Jinyoung's lap. Jinyoung smiles when he sees Coco asking for a cuddle. It's been a while since their last meeting, seems like Coco is missing  Jinyoung too. Jinyoung holds Coco tighter, she's small but warm. Coco seems to understand because she stays still on Jinyoung's embrace.
"We're going on road trip!", Youngjae exclaims.
"Gyeom ah, can you get Jinyoung a glass of water first?", Mark asks, Yugyeom obediently follow the order and comes back with a glass of water.
"Thank you", Jinyoung smiles at the maknae.
"Okay, blankets, sweaters, pajamas, socks, jackets.. I think everything is all set", Jinyoung's mom looks at the duffel bag with proud face, "I've been preparing this since last night. You boys have a fun trip, okay!".
"What's this all about??", Jinyoung is getting more curious, "what road trip??".
"For my birthday!", Jackson smiles at Jinyoung, "we are going to celebrate my birthday, you silly".
"But your birthday is already passed", Jinyoung protests.
"Yea well, we were so busy that day, we didn't have time to celebrate",  Jackson sulks.
That is a lie, the real reason why they did not celebrate Jackson's birthday that day was because Jinyoung was still recuperated at home, suffering from his chemo's after effect. He did manage to send Jackson a birthday wish though, which Jackson replied with a lots of emojis. Jackson called Jinyoung's mom that night to ask about his condition. Hearing that Jinyoung was not at his best broke his heart, he didn't want a celebration while his friend was sick.
"Why now though?", Jinyoung asks, he is still caressing Coco's soft fur, she smells so nice.
Youngjae gave Coco a thorough bath yesterday knowing she's going to go with them on a road trip. He doesn't want Coco's fur to make Jinyoung sick.
"Because we got a permission from JYP hyung to use the villa from Hard Carry 2. You remember that place Jinyoungie?", JB explains, his eyes sparkling.
"Really?", Jinyoung squeals, he really likes that place.
"And because we all are having free time for the whole weekend. So we all decided to go now", Bambam says, "it's getting warmer and cherry blossom trees are blooming everywhere. It would be a waste if we don't enjoy it".
"Besides", Youngjae adds, "we kinda missed going out with full members".
"We already contacted doctor Song and he gave us permission too", Yugyeom tells Jinyoung happily.
"You asked dr Song?", Jinyoung can't hide his suprised face.
"We did, yesterday. He said you're in a good condition to go. It's not very far anyway, just three hours drive from here. No sweat", JB gives him a victory  sign, "me and Mark hyung will take turn to drive. We can stop somewhere  to rest or grab some food. Really, just relaxing".
"So, we're planning on staying for three days", Jackson says, "that's why we're going to bring duffel bags".
"Three days?", Jinyoung looks at his mother, "eomma, did you know about this?".
"Jaebommie told me. I think it would be great if you can take a bit of time off and go on a vacation with your friends. Meanwhile, I also have a few things I have to take care in Jinhae . So your father and I will go home while you're away", Jinyoung's mom smiles.
Seeing her smile, Jinyoung feels guilty. She has been taking care of Jinyoung since his first chemo, and she rarely goes home. She must be tired herself. Jinyoung feels like he's too immersed with his sickness, he forgot that people taking care of him need a time off too.
"Your bag is ready, I already prepared some snacks and supplies for you to enjoy", Jinyoung's mother pats the fully loaded duffel bag.
"You better wash your face first. If we go now, we will arrive before noon so we can go to the grocery store or fishing or just do whatever", JB says.
Jinyoung nods his head.
"Do you need help?", Jackson asks.
"Nah, I'm good. I'll be back", Jinyoung gets up slowly, feeling a dull throb on his knees.
"Well that was easy", Bambam comments when Jinyoung already goes into the bathroom, "I thought he wouldn't agree to the plan".
"Guess he's feeling guilty about Jackson's birthday. Besides, he must be aware that he needs to go out. He needs vacation, we all do. Even Eomonni needs a time off every once in while. That's why we're doing this. Not only for Jinyoung, but for all of us", JB says.
Jinyoung's mother smiles, "I'm so grateful that Jinyoung has you boys. You're such a great friends. You think about him a lot".
"Ah don't mention it, eomonni", Jackson hugs Jinyoung's mother, "he's been so good to us, he takes care of us. You have no idea how much he means to us, Jinyoung means the world to us and we just want to make him happy. Eomonni, just take your time well, rest well, eat well, meet your friends and family. Jinyoung will be fine with us".
Jackson can see tears building up in Jinyoung's mother's eyes.
"You're going to make me cry", Jinyoung's mom wipes her eyes, "of course, I'll rest well. I can rest assured knowing he's with you. I believe you are going to take a good care of him. I can trust him with you".
Jinyoung's mother touches all of the members on the head. They all can feel big affection coming from her. 
"We already prepared everything, including supplies from dr Song. We all have his number on our contact, and he's ready whenever he's needed. But hopefully, we won't have to contact him", JB adds.
"Don't forget to call me", Jinyoung's mother smiles.
"Of course".
When Jinyoung comes back to ths living room, everyone notice how loose his outfit is, but they choose not to say anything. Jinyoung wears his favorite black jumper and a pair of trousers. He pulls the hoodie covering his bald head. Jinyoung looks sick all the time now because he's very pale, his skin is almost translucent. He looks very fragile, almost child like.
"Looking good", JB raises his thumb to Jinyoung, "if you're ready, let's hit the road".
When Jinyoung gets out of the house, he can fully smell the spring air. He was right, the garden is very beautiful. It has his own cherry blossom trees, lots of flowers too. His mother is ecstatic to see the change in the garden. It turns out, there's a gardener who always takes care of the maintenance every spring so they don't have to do anything, eventhough Jinyoung's mom can't help herself to go out and smears her hands in soil almost everyday. Jinyoung's sisters collect all sorts of flower and arrange them inside of the house and make potpourri, the house is all comfortable fragrance. It's lifting Jinyoung's mood because the smelk doesn't cause him to be nauseaus. It's a few smell he can stand and it's pleasing. The garden is now so colorful, Jinyoung likes to spend his days siting outside, reading books and let the smell of spring soil and flowers spoiling his nose. But eventhough it's getting warmer, the spring weather is rather unpredictable. Jinyoung can spend a warm morning full of sunshine, but then the air can suddenly gets cold an hour later. GOT7 members are all mesmerized by how beautiful the garden is, Bambam can't stop looking at the cherry tree.
"I've been in Korea for a long time, but spring always gets me like it's my first time", Bambam says over and over again everytime he comes to see Jinyoung.
Jinyoung is surprised to see a large van parking in front of the house.
"Whoa! Whose car is this? Can you really drive this?", Jinyoung can't contain his excitement.
"Of course", JB says proudly, "it's also comfortable. Wait until you see the inside".
Yugyeom helps Jinyoung mother to put Jinyoung's duffel to the roofbox. Jinyoung can see other duffels inside it. Looks like other members already packed their belongings too.
Jinyoung's mother hands Jinyoung a blanket.
"Stay warm, okay".
She kisses Jinyoung's cheeks, making him blushing. Fortunately he is wearing mask, so his friends can't see how red his cheeks are.
"Eomma, I'm already grown up", he tries to dodge his mom who is trying to ruffle his hair.
Jinyoung's mom looks like she's about to cry when she hugs Jinyoung for the second time before they depart.
Jinyoung is somewhat unsure about the trip. He feels nervous but excited at the same time. It's been a long time since he last going for a trip. After he got sick, this is the first time he goes on a long trip like this. Eventhough it's only 3 hours drive, it's still a big matter to Jinyoung . He feels a bit scared leaving the house, to be honest. His head is full of 'what if's and insecurities. But on the other hand, he also feels extremely happy. It's like a kid going for a school trip, scared but excited. More than anything, Jinyoung knows his mother deserves a rest, going back to her house, taking care of her own business. He knows she is probably feeling mellow right now, same with Jinyoung. Probably they are bearing the same feeling of guilt. That's why Jinyoung has decided to keep his head up, going out with his beloved friends like they used to, trusting them and believing that everything is going to be alright.
"Let's goooo", the maknaes trio shout when the car starts to move.
Bambam and Yugyeom are making noise with their hands and Younjae is laughing very hard.
Going out from the house, Jinyoung can see various colors of the trees and flowers in the neighborhood. It's so peaceful. The sky is also clear and blue.
"Hey, what's that in the back?", Jinyoung asks when he notices bulgy pack behind the maknae line's seat. JB is right, the car is very comfortable. The leather seat is wide and pillowy. It  doesn't feel cramped eventhough there are 7 adult men inside. There are still enough space. JB is on the driver seat while Mark is beside him, navigating. Jinyoung sits next to Jackson on the middle seat while the maknaes are cramping on the backseat. Jackson spreads the blanket over Jinyoung and tucks him tenderly. 
"Supplies from dr Song", JB explains, "Oxygen tank, meds, and other medical kits".
Jinyoung's eyes widen, "how?".
"We went to the hospital to meet dr Song. We asked him if we could take you to a road trip. He gave permission, and he also gave us supplies. We went there a couple of times including a meeting for a crash course on how using the tools and also your med's list and when to take them. We're pretty good, actually", Jackson says to Jinyoung who looks stunned.
"Really?", Jinyoung can't believe his friends went as far as taking course for him.
"We should get certificate on this", Youngjae exclaims proudly, "we were very serious, hyung".
"Even Bambam and Yugyeom were very serious", Mark adds jokingly.
"Hey we are always serious, hyung.. what are you talking about??", Bambam protests.
"Oh yeah, how about the decoration you broke at the doctor's office?", Jackson points at Bambam and Yugyeom.
"We thought it wouldn't break that easy hyung. It was ball shaped thingy, we only tried to roll it once!", Yugyeom tries to defend himself.
"You guys should see how relieved dr Song was when you left his office. I swear you guys gave him more grey hair", JB chuckles, "It's so different with Jinyoung and me. He always welcomes us very fondly, talking about books, and other smart things".
"What do you mean smart things? Are you trying to say that we are stupid, hyung??".
Jinyoung laughs his heart out. It's really been a while to be inside of the car like this, GOT7 is really loud. It's very nostalgic. Like usual, hyung line would bicker and banter with the maknae line plus Jackson. It's like never ending shouts inside of the car.
"Hyung , music, music", Youngjae suggests.
"Okay, any request?", Mark says while reaching his cellphone.
"Any 19+ song", Bambam answers quickly.
They all laugh.
Jinyoung's heart feels warm. He already forgot about the uneasiness he felt before. He trully misses his friends and this atmosphere here reminds him that he's still a part of GOT7, that they are his family and would do anything for him.
Jinyoung feels happy.

Tomorrow, Today (COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon