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"Hi everyone,
First of all, I would like to say I'm deeply sorry for not being active these past few months.

As you all know, I have cancer and I'm currently receiving treatment.
Having this disease is a terifying esperience for me so I've been trying to cope with it.
It's not easy, somethimes I have to struggle a lot, sometimes I lost sight of what's important in my life.
But luckily, I have friends who always guide me and pull me out of the darkness.
I have GOT7.
And then I also have Ahgases.
I'm so grateful that I have been given so many wonderful things and I will cherrish them in my heart.
I realize that have so many things to protect, because I know lots of people believe in me.
Therefore I will not betray their trust, your trust.
I will fight.
Thank you for all the support you have given me, hope I can be back soon to deliver my best performances and to greet you all.

Until then, please stay healthy".

JB almost teared up reading Jinyoun's latest Instagram post. First picture is Jinyoung posing with penguin, second picture is Jinyoung standing with Mark holding his hand, and the most surprising is the third picture of Jinyoung taking his beanie off, showing his bald head while smiling shyly.

JB is extremely relieved that Jinyoung looks genuinely happy in all pictures.

B reads the post over and over again. Whenever he has free time, he would check the post to read some comments from the fans. Eventhough he cant read all comments because it's too much, but he makes sure to leave a heart to some of them. He notices other members do it too.

As expected, the post is liked by millions of people within hours, exceeding the amount of Jinyoung's follower. His name becomes worlwide trend on Twitter and all medias are writing about him, even overseas medias.

JB is not so surprised. After all, people have been waiting for Jinyoung to finally show up after his hiatus announcement. Fans and medias are all thirsty with information about him. JYPE has been very careful not to spoil anything about Jinyoung's whereabout or any information about his treatment.
So far, the reaction from the fans are all good. They all give Jinyoung encouragment and not too worry because the fans will always be there no matter what. Jb is so touched by the fans he feels like he's the one who is given the encouragement. He feels proud to have such a great fandom. Medias are also good, they give nice  reviews on Jinyoung's posts. They all write about Jinyoung's positive words rather than pointing on his new appearance. But JB has a hunch it's because of JYP.
JB knows revealing himself to the public is such a huge deal for Jinyoung as he is naturally a shy and introvert person. He's the type of person who always plays everything safe and keeps everything to himself. Seeing the younger guy becoming more open is somewhat a miracle JB can never imagine before. He thanks Mark for this change, he knows he can always rely on the oldest member to change Jinyoung's mind.
It was after Jinyoung's breakdown. GOT6 sat in JYP office, the CEO himself voiced his concern. The producer was worried because Jinyoung seemed to locked himself in and he was worried that Jinyoung might do something that could harm himself if they didn't do something. They all knew that Jinyoung had not fully accepted his illness, moreover with physical change he had to deal with. JYP suggested psychiatrist or a grief counselor to help Jinyoung cope, but GOT6 especially JB seemed skeptical with the idea. They knew Jinyoung's pride would never allow some random unfamiliar people to interfere with his private emotions. JYP asked JB to talk to Jinyoung, but JB wasn't too sure. He and Jinyoung may have the closest relation within GOT7 and Jinyoung trusts him the most, but because they are too close, they can instantly read each other's mind. Jinyoung would find out that Jb was trying to coax some senses into him and would build a defense mechanism. JB was afraid he might end up emotional himself. Jinyoung was the most vulnerable at the moment, Jb himself couldn't predict what Jinyoung would do. Never in his time with Jinyoung he ever witnessed the younger one in hysterical state. So JB suggested someone whom Jinyoung couldn't say no to, the one he would not question. Mark volunteered. He said trust me, and they all did. It worked. JB always knew Mark has some sort of power over Jinyoung and over everyone in GOT7 generally.
"Hyung, sorry to keep you waiting!", Youngjae says with his loud voice making some heads turn to their direction. Youngjae takes a seat in front of Jb.
"Oh you came", Jb greets him, "have you eaten yet?".
"Not yet. Think I have to eat something because we will work hard after this".
"Take anything you want, on me", JB orders his dongsaeng who claps excitedly. The younger one dashes off to grab some food in JYP's organic cafeteria.
It's still early so not many people around. Just some staffs who are eating their breakfast.
Youngjae comes back with tray full of food and starts his breakfast.
"My phone doesn't stop ringing since last nigh I had to mute it. People keeps asking me about Jinyoung hyung", Youngjae tells JB while digging his food, "hey, isn't Bam supposed to be here too?".
"No, Bam, Gyeom, Jackson will go together to Jinyoung's house. Mark hyung is already there I reckon", JB is eating his own food. He doesn't really like organic food, but this place have a good coffee.
"Mark hyung is really great. I don't know how he was able to talk some senses to Jinyoung hyung. It's really surprising to see his post, it's like I'm seeing different person".
"Actually, Jinyoung is not that heard headed. You only need the right person. We all could tell him the exact same thing Mark hyung told him, but I don't think it would have the same effect".
Youngjae nods, "anyway, we have a fun job todaay.. delivering presents!".
"First of all, those are for Jinyoung not for you. Second, do you know how many gifts there are? If not hundreds then thousands. From small to big. You'll change your mind if you see them".
"It's been what now? Two months? But they keep coming, the gifts I mean. Jinyoung didn't want them to be sent to his house, but I think he changed his mind thanks to Mark"
"But company guys are still scanning them, making sure it's safe. Some of the gifts are... a bit fancy from what I heard. Lots of people have fancy ideas about cancer's cure. I don't really want to know, though".

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