Chapter 1

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Uraraka sighed contently as she looked over at the green haired boy, class was almost over anyway. She didn't want to change schools at first but she's glad she did, she never knew she would find such a kind hearted boy in her class. She's only been here for a while, but there wasn't someone like him.

He just seemed too perfect.

She wouldn't say that the boy was hot or handsome, he was quite adorable and cute. Not that he'd ever tell him, however she's decided that she has to bring her A game so she can see if the boy likes her back. She doesn't think so at the moment but hopefully he does start liking her, as in more than a friend.

You may think that she's getting way too intense with this but she's never actually had a boyfriend before, well she has. Although she was in middle school and the most she did was hold hands, and the boy broke up with her because she didn't want to share her peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Did she mention that they only dated for a few weeks ?

She doesn't really count it as a relationship so she doesn't really feel like she's ever had a boyfriend before, the moment Midoriya had to give her the tour around school was enough for her to fall for the boy. It isn't a necessity for her to have a boyfriend but she really wants to feel that kind of affection.

She isn't going to let that get in between her and her dreamed scholarship for medical school, that's the only way she would be able to afford it so she can become a doctor.

The bell suddenly rang which snapped her out of her thoughts, she saw most of the boys basically throwing themselves out of the door since they had basketball practice. She didn't really understand why the whole school was seemingly infatuated with the idea of being on the team. It seemed like a short term goal, and sort of dumb.

She seemed more fond of soccer if she was completely honest.

Uraraka grinned and stood up as she saw Midoriya waiting for her, she thought it was really nice of him to do so. Okay, maybe he was there just because he has to guide her for the whole month but to be completely honest Midoriya signed up for it. So she likes to think that he actually did it because he wanted to.

"C'mon Uraraka, lets get a snack before my mom picks me up." Midoriya smiled nicely which made Uraraka smile nervously. "Of course ! Let's go Midoriya."


After buying their snacks they both sat across from eachother on some benches, Midoriya bought a pack of Skittles and Uraraka bought a small granola bar. They both ate as they talked for a while, they weren't really able to talk to eachother that much since they were close to the basketball court where the team were doing stretches and just dribbling the ball before the began playing.

They were all so loud, however it seemed like Midoriya didn't mind since he just looked intently as they practiced. Uraraka didn't actually know what to talk about, Midoriya seemed more interested in something else and it made her feel a bit awkward since she wanted to talk to him but didn't really know what to say.

"Hey Midoriya, you seem thoughtful today." Uraraka pointed out, Midoriya turned to face her and slightly blushed. "Sorry, I've been a bit distracted." He confessed as he scratched the back of his neck. Uraraka hummed as she pursed her lips in thought.

"What's got you so distracted? If I can know that is..." Uraraka added as she looked at the boy carefully, Midoriya pursed his lips and wrinkled up his face a little. "In exactly a week the basketball team will let new players in the team, there will be at least 5 new players and I've been worried that I won't be able t make the cut." Midoriya looked down as she fumbled with the wrapper of some skittles.

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