Chapter 2

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The day went normal you could say, when Uraraka arrived her eyes immediately laid on Midoriya who smiled at her. She felt herself blush as she then put attention to class, it wasn't long though when she got bored and got a glimpse of the green haired boy. After a while of looking at him her eyes wandered around the room, like she had already thought of, she needed to hang out with more people.

She couldn't just stay with Midoriya, as much as she liked it she didn't want to be completely alone with only one friend. What would she do when he doesn't go to school? Nothing, that's what would happen if she didn't try to hang out with other girls.

As her eyes wandered through the room she noticed the blond haired boy, who was surprisingly paying attention and even writing stuff down. She thought it was weird since from his first impression she would've thought that he was just a jerk.

An irresponsible jerk that is.

However she found it nice that the guy seemed so peaceful since he was concentrated on what was going on at the board, it's almost as if he wasn't the guy calling her an idiot a day ago. Although the boy may be responsible with school he was still a jerk and rubbed Uraraka the wrong way.


After a few hours school had finally finished. Uraraka and Midoriya sat on the bleachers just like yesterday as they waited for his mom to come pick him up, she liked admiring Midoriya's little freckles and curly-ish hair. He seemed so cute and she felt herself growing even fonder of him.

She looked at him intently while she saw him write god knows what in a notebook, after a while Uraraka eventually got bored as she tried to peek into what he was doing. However he only pulled it away and blushed as he shook his head, Uraraka pouted and shrugged as she took a bite of some of her grapes.

She was trying to save up her money from lunch for any necessity she would need, so she decided on bringing her own lunch instead. Midoriya just bought some cookies as they waited patiently, the boy was a bit quiet today.

As much as she wanted to start a conversation it wouldn't lead anywhere, so she just sat there as she ate her grapes while waiting for Midoriya to be picked up. It wasn't long when the usual car stopped infront of the school, Midoriya smiled and waved goodbye.

Uraraka smiled back and felt herself feel a bit love struck, maybe he was distracted with something else but either way he still had the same effect on her.

She sat in a criss cross as she continued eating her grapes, she certainly got bored and she really didn't want to use her phone since she would need it while she waited for Bakugo to finish his two hours of whatever he did.

She then placed her cheek against her palm and groaned in annoyance, she decided to turn her phone off since she didn't want to be tempted to use it. She then laid her eyes on Bakugo who was playing impeccably, although she found it quite annoying that he wouldn't let the rest of his team mates get the ball.

He was surely talented but he certainly didn't have the best personality.

After a while she heard shouting at the basket ball court, she glanced over and saw that they were finally over the training. All the guys laughed and patted each other in the back, Bakugo just had an annoyed expression on his face while three guys hugged him.

It wasn't long until he finally pushed them away and grunted, Uraraka stuffed her container with grapes inside of her backpack and went quickly towards the basketball court. There were a lot of steps so she did her best to not trip or anything.

She then walked towards Bakugo who kept talking to some guys, however she thought that it would be rude to interrupt him like yesterday. So she simply walked to a near bench beside a backpack which Uraraka hoped was actually his.

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