Chapter 24

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Karisma POV


"Best... Movie.... Day.... Ever." Clarissa says. We just finished watching The Maze Runner and it was amazing.

I laugh and stick another Red Vine in my mouth. I'm addicted to these things. Seriously. I bought 5 of the 10 lb. packages. I'm obsessed.

Damian walks in the room and looks around. We have a whole bunch of empty bags of candy and chips and cookies and stuff. And empty soda bottles. Me and Clarissa are just laying on the floor with a whole bunch of pillows and blankets.

"Hey babe." I say while chewing on more Red Vines. "Hey." He says slowly while still looking around.

"What's up?" I say. "Well, I was gonna ask you if you're ready to go to bed but I guess you guys just started. I also brought the Taco Bell." He says.

Me and Clarissa whoop and I stand and run to Damian and snatch the bag away. I kiss him softly and go back to my cocoon of blankets and pillows and delicious snacks.

"Can I at least have the 4 burritos I ordered for myself." He pouts his bottom lip, making me want to suck on it. But instead of attacking my incredibly sexy mate, I look through the bag and throw them at him. Clarissa starts Annabelle on the tv.

"Well, I'm going to watch the game upstairs then. Since my mate is just ignoring me." We both shush him and keep our eyes glued to the tv.

1 hour and a half later

"Bestie ?." Clarissa says. "Y-yeah?" I say back. We're both hugging each other by how scary this movie is. "I'm scared." She whispers.

We hear a door squeaking and then a loud slam. We look at each other and start screaming.

I get up and run all the way to Damian's room and jump into his bed and arms. "Woah. What's wrong ?" He says. Then Clarissa comes in running and hugs me from behind.

"Annabelle is here." We whisper. Then we hear footsteps.

It sounds like the person is wearing heels. The footsteps get closer and closer.

Then a woman walks in. She had long blonde hair and green eyes. She looks....

Like me.

"Hello dear daughter. Hasn't anyone told you not to watch scary movies at dark?" She says.

"Mom?" I say while sitting up. Tears form in her eyes.

"It's me." She says. "Why do you want to kill me?" I whisper. I'm so confused right now, what the hell is going on?

"I don't. I'm here to take you to my hideout. Hunters are after the werewolves that are related to the Moon Goddess. They want to kill both of us and everybody in our family blood line. I knew your father would lie to you. Asshole." She says.

"How would I know if you're the one that wants to kill me and you're just lying?"

"Listen to my heartbeat. Am I lying?" Her heart beat is normal. She's not lying.

"She's not leaving me!!" Damian growls. I wrap my arms around his waist and hear Tobias purr. "She needs to be safe. My child is in danger and I will protect her!!" She growls to Damian.

"I've known her way longer than you have and you're supposed to be her mother! What kind of mother abandons her own child!" Damian screams at her and is about to pounce on her but I hold him down and try to calm him.

"Listen. I'm not leaving. I'm staying here with my mate and best friend. I can't just leave everything I've ever known." I tell her.

I don't even know what to call her. Mom? Mother? Mommy? Egg donor? Person? Woman? I don't know.

"You're not safe here! You have to leave. Alone. Your powers will arrive soon and you need to keep them calm under control. I know how because I have them. I am the only one who can protect you and teach you how to use them." She says.

I feel Clarissa move and she sits up. "My best friend isn't going anywhere. She's staying here. Me, Damian, Drew and maybe even her father can protect her. She hasn't needed you in so long and she doesn't need you now." Clarissa says.

My mother just turns to look at her like she's an inconvenience. "Listen girl, my daughter needs me even if she thinks she doesn't." She then turns to me. "I've been watching over you for years. Remember that day when you were 13 and walking home alone. And a guy stalked you into an alley. Then he almost raped you, but I stopped him. That hooded woman was me. And I'm so sorry for not stopping Zack. But he put a special powder at the door crack."

"What special powder." I say hoarsely. Her bringing up my past isn't so fun. I'm about to cry when she tells me, well us.

"Mountain ash. Any supernatural creature or person can't pass through. But he had some special gloves to remove it, I don't know how or where he got them." She says. I heard about the black powder that's dangerous to us before, but I've never seen it and from what I'm hearing I never want to come across it either.

"I almost died that day. I got burned with it and it went into my bloodstream." She whispers.

Damian wraps his arms around my waist and Clarissa lays her head against my shoulder.

"Maybe I should go." I whisper to nobody in particular. "What?! No. I can't lose my mate, I just found you. I need you. We need you. Me, Tobias, Clarissa, Drew. Even your dad." Damian growls out.

"When do we leave?" I ask my mother, ignoring Damian for the time being. "Next week." She says. "Okay. Can Damian come?"

She shakes her head. "He will only be a distraction."

He growls but doesn't say anything.

I guess I'm leaving.

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