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Y/n's Pov

She turns away from me, averts her eyes while fondling with her fingers nervously. "So, you're y/n? The one that Daniel madly in love with?"

"Yes, I'm. But first, I really want to say I'm so sorry, I didn't know he was married and I didn't mean to be a homewrecker and I'm rea..."

"Please, marry him." She cut me off before I can continue.

I sit there stunned with my mouth slightly hanging open, staring hard at her face and I run through all the possibilities.

"What?!" I whispered screamed.

For the last 10 minutes, Sejeong gave me a phone call asking if she can meet me. I was thinking about maybe she'll get tantrum or something because I'm having an affair with her husband and now she's here asking for me to marry her husband.

What the heck is going on?

"I know that you're in love with him too, besides both of you were engaged. So, I think it's best for both of you to be together." Her voice is low and I can feel her sadness.

"I'm not gonna marry him, Sejeong-ssi. He's your husband and I'm not in love with him, whenever I'm with him I was confused I thought I can forget my past when I'm with him but I guess nobody can forget their first love so easily."

Sejeong sits across me at the table and she puts a reassuring hand on mine, give me a soft squeezed.

"Please, y/n, if you do not accept his proposed he'll leave me. I don't want my marriage to end up this way. I can't live without him. I love him so much."

The smile instantly drops from my face, replaced by horrified shock at what I heard. How can Daniel be this ruthless to his wife?

This is not what I expected, I thought I want to give her my engagement ring back and tell her that I want to break up with Daniel, will never bother him anymore.

"I can't do this!"

"Yes! Of course, you can moreover the date of your marriage is in 2 weeks time. We still have plenty of times." She looked at me, with a teary-eyed and giving me a pained look.

"Are you insane! I'm not going to marry Daniel! I'm in love with someone else. I can't sacrifice myself for his blissfulness."

"He's going to kill you, y/n... I'm trying to save you from his lunacy."

"I need to go!"

I stood up and walked towards the exit door of the cafe. I race over to a nearby stairwell and lean against the wall. Putting my hands on my chest and gently rubbing it. I try to slow my breath and stop my mind from swirling.

A moment later, a tall figure stands in front of me as I looked up at him in shock. The only man that I don't want to meet. I stare at Daniel with a mixture of anger and annoyed.

He smiles warmly and touches my shoulder. "Why didn't you pick up my calls? And didn't reply to my text messages?"

"Should I do all of that?"

"Yes! It's a must because you're still my fiance and I own you. You can't just simply ignoring me."

"I'm not a thing for you to own me, Kang Daniel! I'm breaking up with you!" I pulled out the engagement ring of my ring finger and hand it to him.

Daniel leans further towards me, grabbed both of my wrists and hold it tight. "Listen to me carefully, I'll never repeat this all over. Marry me or I'll shoot the sweet big brother of yours in the head or maybe your parents. How's that sound, babe? It's a win-win situation right?"

I close my eyes tightly, trying to ease into the situation. What am I going to do?

"Relax, babe, what are you afraid of me now? I'm not going to hurt you, my love. Do you know how much I love you? It's boundless." His low voice tickling my ear has my eyes shooting wide open again.

I turn my head slightly to look at him- pulse-quickening even more as I take in the primal glint in his eyes, and the devilish smirk on his face.

He slips back the engagement ring into my finger. "Think wisely, I know you're such a smart woman I've ever known."

A soft peck landed on my forehead. "I miss you so damn much, babe." He drew me into his embrace with my mind can't swirling with problems.

"I-I will marry you, Daniel..." I stuttered while pulled apart from the hugged.

I look up to see Daniel staring down at me with a victory smile spread across his gorgeous face. "What a wise choice, soon to be Mrs. Kang y/n. I want to have a lot of babies with you, that's my dreams when you'll be my wife and we are going to have a big happy family."

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