Landing, Part 5

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Charlie didn't feel so anxious now, travelling in a group of eight. Four of whom were his close friends anyway with two of them especially gifted in killing crabs. And after his own battle with the crustaceans, coupled with what he'd seen his friends accomplish, Charlie was sure that next time they faced the creatures, he'd be standing his ground and fighting.

After all, he couldn't just sit back and watch while people were getting hurt.

Steve didn't.

His long-haired friend had raced across the jungle to defend Michelle. And he was on his own. He had no idea what was going on or what he would be facing but Steve went after her all the same.

Charlie looked to the front of the procession and saw Steve and Michelle were walking side by side. They were talking as well, quietly of course, but their faces weren't awkward or stern. They seemed so casual and friendly, like when they dating. It was as though the last few weeks hadn't happened. Maybe they were getting back together?

Nick and Malik were following the pair, with Chris close behind. The three of them were eying the treeline, acting as the chief protectors of the group. Charlie could imagine on the first sign of trouble, Malik would launch himself on to the crabs with lethal intent.

Emma and Sophie were at Chris's heel, quietly talking amongst themselves. Sophie was carrying Emma's spear now and she wasn't looking quite so miserable as before. Her focus was on the sea. Every so often her eyes would leave the conversation and stare out to the horizon. Was she looking for a boat, Charlie wondered?

His job was to guard the rear. Between keeping an eye on everyone, Charlie would stop every so often and turnabout, making sure no crabs were sneaking up on the group. So far, he'd seen nothing but their footprints in the sand but at first sign of trouble, he'd be ready to defend them.

'Anyone got their phone on them?' called a voice ahead.

It was Nick. He was glancing at each of them.

Most shook their heads and Charlie felt his own pocket, finding nothing but empty space. Shit. It must have slipped off when he fell off the boat.

'I do,' Michelle announced and everyone crowded around, excitedly. But the tall girl just shook her head and revealed the screen to all. 'It's dead. Battery must have run out.'

'You charged it before we came down to the boats,' Sophie reminded her.

Michelle just shrugged.

'We don't know how long it's been,' Charlie spoke up. A few heads turned back to look at him. 'Since we went overboard.'

'He's right,' agreed Malik. 'I mean look where we are.'

'I don't know where here is,' Chris retorted.

'Exactly. Safe to say that here is not anywhere near Reyvon Lodge. We've moved.'

Charlie was interested by his choice of words. And so was Nick.

'What do you mean moved?' he asked.

Malik sighed. 'Well we're not there anymore. In order to get here, we must have moved.'

'How?' it was Emma's voice.

But Malik didn't answer. No one knew the answer to that question.

'Maybe this is all a joke,' said Chris. 'Something the school did. Like an experiment or something.'

'Experiment?' Sophie repeated.

Nick shook his head. 'You're joking, right?'

'Chris, we nearly drowned,' Malik said to clarify. 'I don't think the school planned that.'

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