Impossible, Part 9

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Emma gasped.

The arrow went straight into Nick's shoulder.

The boy stumbled and groaned but he didn't scream. Instead he staggered towards a house, ignoring the dozens of shafts raining down on them.

'Nick!' she called.

Emma took him by the arm and she pulled him away from the arrow storm. The darts chased them down the road, slamming in the dirt like rain on a window pane. She couldn't help but notice a woman bought down by the arrows. The body was slumped against a cottage door. She nearly made it...

The girl swallowed, doing her best to support Nick's weight, knowing she had to get him to safety somehow. She wouldn't let him die like that woman. Not if her life depended on it.

They took refuge in the porch of another building. It was large and linked to one of the biggest pasture paddocks in the valley. Those strange horse-like stags with droopy ears were bleating in panic as one of their herd was struck by an arrow. They ran about chaotically, some leaping over the fence, while others ducked into the building. It must have been some kind of stable or barn.

'Damn it...'

Emma bought her attention back to Nick who was hunched over, reaching to his shoulder with his free hand. His fingers tugged on the arrow and he winced. Was he trying to remove it?

'Don't!' she warned him. 'You could make it worse!'

Nick looked at her for a moment then he grunted and turned away.

'No, I have to,' he muttered under his breath and tugged at the shaft again.

'Leave it!'

This time Nick shook his head. 'I need to get it out.'

Emma just stared at him in shock as he ripped the arrow from shoulder. Blood squirted out and he cried out. He would have stumbled again if it weren't for Emma catching him.

'See?' she cried in alarm. 'Nick? Are you listening to me?'

He wasn't.

His eyes were staring down the road behind her.

Emma knew she'd regret it but she turned about and grimaced at the sight of a dozen Tengura riders charging through the village.

The men were laughing and shouting with joy as they ran down or hacked apart any villager in their path. Most of them wheeled their canine mounts back around the buildings but a few continued careering down the road toward them.

'Nick!' she cried. 'We have to go!'

She turned back to him, expecting to carry the guy into the building. But he wasn't slumped against the wall anymore. Nick was on his feet, wincing still, but filled with more vigour than moments ago.

'Into the barn!' he ordered.

Emma was confused but nodded and climbed over the paddock fence.

Nick followed after, stopping to throw his bamboo spear at the oncoming riders. One of them pulled sideways, avoiding the missile. But his companion behind him was blasted off his saddle, the javelin planted firmly in his chest.

'Shit,' Nick muttered as he clambered the barrier.

The pair hurried to the entrance of the barn, careful to avoid the stampeding stags. Emma glanced over her shoulder and saw two of the Tengura warriors dismounting. One carried a shield and sword, the other had a long dagger.

'They're right behind us!' she called.

The barn was fairly large. It was two tiered with the bottom level containing stalls for the animals while the loft stored most of the hay. A simple ladder linked the two floors.

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