Walls Are Thin Mom

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You had woken up earlier than usual as you were in a happier mood today. It had been a various number of things that lifted up your spirits but no one had to know the exact reasons as to why you were feeling very satisfied. 

Breakfast had been served and the three of you were quietly eating. Both you and Lena were practically eye fucking each other when Leon decided to speak up. He was not about to have his breakfast ruined by his two mothers who couldn't keep it to themselves.

"I heard some interesting things last night. I'm just curious if the two of you are back to having sex again so I won't be in the middle of all this."

He motioned to the two of you. Hearing him ask this question almost made you choke on the piece of toast you were currently eating.

"Leon! That's no way to speak to us like that."

Lena was not ready to deal with this. She quickly drank her coffee and kissed the two of you goodbye. 

"Love you guys. I'll see you later today."

But before she could leave, you whispered in her ear exactly what was going to be in store for her for making you deal with all of this. She couldn't help but blush and stutter another goodbye.

"So did you or did you not have sex because I heard the two of you yelling at each other and I was almost planning on calling the cops."

You sighed, having no other choice but to admit to what he was asking.

"Sorry mom, but the two of you need to get some soundproofing in there. The walls are thin! I'm already scarred."

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