Would You Rather

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Leon was staying at his friends house that when your friends heard of this, they decided to volunteer you and Lena to host game night. Neither of you minded so much as the two of you were stressed and needed this to relax.

You and Lena had made sure to get enough alcohol and food for everyone. Also taking into account that Kara and J'onn needed special alcohol thanks to their biology. Everyone began to arrive one by one and soon enough game night began.

The first game of the night had been Monopoly but it was quickly put away when they realized Lena was going to win no matter what. Charades was up next and it was also ended rather quickly as both you and Lena were really good at understanding each other. Soon enough there weren't too many games left so Kara came up with the brilliant idea to play 'Would you rather?'

The questions weren't too bad. They were simple enough. You figured your question would be easy as well but Kara apparently knew exactly how to stop and make you think about your choices.

"So, (y/n), would you rather have an unlimited supply of your favorite food and never be with Lena or would you rather be with Lena and never have the unlimited supply of your favorite food?"

Lena gave you a smile. Thinking that you would pick the latter. She was so wrong when she noticed you hesitate to answer.

You stayed quiet while thinking about your answer since it's hard getting your favorite food in National City and it would be a once in a lifetime opportunity but before you could Lena spoke up.

"And you still have the nerve to think about it?!"

You gave her a small smile.

"Babe, come on. It's (favorite food). I only eat it once per year."

"I am your wife!"

By this, Kara and the rest of your friends decided it was better to leave.

"We should get going. Love you guys." 

She said before closing the door after everyone headed out.

Lena was still staring at you, sporting her CEO face. 

"It was just a game!"

"Guess you'll be eating me once a year as well."

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