Phone for a Reason

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After the brick accident, both you and Lena had lectured Leon about using his common sense. It was obvious that he was nervous about asking his crush out but the least he could do was stop trying to upset Jamie's mother again.

"Leon, please use your phone next time. Lena and I, can only deal with so much at a time. We don't want a repeat of what happened last time."

"Yes mom. I'll use my phone."

You figured that was the end of that and went on your way.

You were oh so wrong when there was again loud bangings on your door. Lena woke up and headed downstairs to see what the entire commotion was.

She almost didn't want to open the door when she noticed it was Jamie's mother, too afraid to know what Leon had done this time. Lena waited until you were decent and opened the door with a fake-friendly smile.

"Good morning, Mrs. Lewis. What can I do for?"

"Your delinquent son destroyed my window again!!!"

She threw the phone to your face and that's when Lena stepped in.

"Look, we're sorry and we'll of course pay the damages but please refrain from hurting my wife."

"Then please stop your son. I will not allow Jamie to hang out with him anymore. If he steps near our house one more time, I will call the cops on him."

Lena quickly signed another check for the lady and got her out of the door. 

Leon had come downstairs to see what the commotion was but tried to rush upstairs when he noticed who it was.

"Oh no you don't. Stop where you are."

Not wanting to piss off Lena even more, he stopped and turned around to face her. 

Lena walked up to him, pinching his ear and making him walk over to you. Where all you could do was pinch the bridge of your nose to calm yourself down. 

"Did you just throw your phone at Jamie's window?"

He nodded nervously, finding no reason to lie. 

It was official, you were going to end up dying of a heart attack one day. All because you loved two goofs. 

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