Tuesday - One For Sorrow

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Prompt by: MachoNachoKennedy

"Wake up!!" Lena yells at you. "Wake up, (y/n)! We need to get to work."

You groaned loudly, not wanting to wake up. Your whole body hurt and you just wanted to sleep some more.

"Wake up, you lazy ass!"

She yells again but this time, actually throwing a pillow at you.

"What the fuck, Lena!"

You yell at her as the pillow hits your face.

"We need to go to work! It's fucking 6 and the meeting starts at 7."

"Fine! I'm going."

You sigh and stretch your body. Wincing as most of your bones pop. You should've never agreed to that stupid coin toss as you ended up sleeping on the floor.

The two of you quickly get ready and make your way to the bus stop.

"What are we doing here? Aren't we supposed to wait for a car or something?"

She asks you when she realizes that you weren't signaling for a taxi to stop or anything.

"Bus is less expensive."

You simple tell her.

"I'm not going to ride a bus. You know I hate that, right?"

You pinch the bridge of your nose. Already getting annoyed with her.

"Japan will not adjust to you Lena. Deal with it."

You tell her, forcing the thoughts of pushing Lena to the middle of the street, out of your mind.

Lena mumbled something you couldn't quite hear. You were sure it was something to insult you so you didn't bother to ask her what she meant.


Eventually, the two of you finally arrive to the building with Lena complaining about the bus the entire time.

"Lena?" You called for her. "Stop talking." You tell her. Giving her a look that she knew that you weren't going to deal with her bs. She stops talking soon after.

"Hi, we have a meeting with Mr. Tanaka at 7."

The receptionist gives you a sympathetic look after checking her notes.

"I'm sorry, miss. But Mr. Tanaka is unavailable at the moment nor will he be available for the rest of the week. Monday will be the only time he would be able to meet."

"Wait? He canceled? Sorry but I didn't receive any message from him about the meeting."

"I'm sorry, ma'am. he didn't give a reason for the cancellation."

"Listen" Lena interrupts. "I'm a busy woman, we came here all the way from the US. Tell your boss that we need to see him..." You stopped her from talking, excused herself and dragged her ass back outside.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Lena had never been like this. Something was obviously up but you didn't really give a shit anymore. All you cared about was the fact that she could ruin your business relationships. She tried to give you shitty excuse for her shitty behavior but you didn't believe her.

"You're the one who needs him, Lena. Either go back and let someone handle L-Corp or wait the fuck up."

You tell her.


You turned around to see a brunette woman, wearing a navy blue dress that defined her curves.

"It's me Sasha!"

She tells you when she sees that you hadn't recognized her.


You gave her a hug and stepped back.

"How are you? What are you doing her?"

You and Sasha talked for a while, completely forgetting that Lena was next to you. Lena tries to stop herself from listening in to you flirt. She can't help but glare at Sasha as she hears her make you laugh.

"Oh! By the way this is Lena..."

"Lena Luthor!? As in THE Lena Luthor? Oh my god! Finally! Congratulations on your recent engagement. The two of you make a lovely couple."

Lena faked a smile. She hated remembering how she was a couple of months from marrying Emily. Every time she tried to break it off, Emily always did something to distract her.

"Thank you."

Lena answers.

Your heart broke as you heard the news. This had been your first time hearing about it and wasn't quite sure how to process the fact that the person who you thought was the love of your life, was soon to get remarried. You pushed your feelings aside and continued talking to Sasha as if you hadn't heard the news.

"Hey! Me and my friends are going out tonight. You should come and Lena too!"

"Oh no, I'm..."

You interrupted Lena before she could decline. You desperately needed a drink.

"I'll go! I'll see you tonight."

You said, giving her a flirty smile. Sasha returned the smile and made her way out of the building.


Lena had stayed at the hotel while you went out. She was usually asleep by 12 but found herself unable to when you still hadn't gotten back from the party. She wanted to call you and see where you were but knew it wouldn't be a good idea. It's not until 2AM when she hears a knock at the door. Quickly putting on her robe, she opens the door to find Sasha barely holding you up.

"I tried to stop her on her 3rd drink but she refused."

Sasha explained herself when she saw Lena glare at her. The two of them dragged you to the couch. Sasha leaves soon after.

"You smell like shit."

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