Things You'll Do for Love

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Prompt by: Janafo28


You're currently in the middle of a mission as well as in the middle of arguing with Lena. The two of you were quite stubborn and neither of you were going to give in any time soon.


You yelled at Lena.


Lena yelled back through the comms.

This continues going on for a while, enough that it's distracting everyone from the mission, causing for J'onn to step in.

"Why is are they screaming?"

Alex shrugs, she had stopped paying attention when Lena explained what was going on.

"They're fighting over who is going to move in with who"

(Years Later)

"Why did you decide to let mum win?"

Lauren asks you. In all her life, she knew how competitive you were. It blew her mind that you had let her mum win.

"You know, seeing your mum smile when winning has always made my day. I realized her happiness is worth way more than winning some stupid argument."

You gave Lena a loving smile, gently squeezing her hand.

"These are things you do for love, my child."

Lauren just smiled at the two of you, it was nice to see how much the two of you loved each other.

Family - Reader/Lena LuthorWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu