Same Shade

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The two of you had come straight from work. You hardly wore any makeup as well as Lena. The only difference was that she would wear bold colors. You just loved whenever she would wear a certain color and this had been one of your favorites. As soon as the two of you arrived home, you led her to the couch to make out with her. Not even caring if her lipstick got smudge or anything.

Lena didn't seem to care as she wasn't going out anymore and she loved how you got when you saw your favorite lip color. It was the whole reason as to why she even wore it.

Leon had been dropped off by a friend from school. He opened the door to find us just barely separating. He frowned, noticing how bright my lips were. He had never seen you wear any lipstick so it was strange. 

The two of you were trying to catch your breath after the heavy makeout session. You both wanted to take it further but Leon had prevented that.

"Mom? Why are you wearing mum's lipstick. I thought you hated lipsticks."

"That's not true. I borrowed your mum's since I liked how it looked on her."

Leon wasn't buying it but dropped it as he was starving. 

"Right. When you're both done kissing, I'd like to eat please."

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