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Prompt by: Janafo28

It was another Saturday morning at the DEO with your family. It was strictly forbidden for kids to come in but Alex was too weak to ban Lauren from coming in and you along with Lena took full advantage of that. The four of you along with Winn were in a large room to discuss a new prototype that you had been working on but it ended up getting sidetracked when he realized Lena was joining in. He was such a fan of Lena that he couldn't help but bombard her with questions. Giving her no chance to answer.

"Winn, you need to relax and take a breather. One question and then we have to discuss about the prototype. Kara needs it."

He sighs and nods. Quickly going through the list of questions that he asked your wife.

"Lena, how'd you get to be such a good businesswoman?"

"That's an easy questions. Concentration is key."

Leon can't help but snort at her answer.

"Oh please, mum. You poured a jar of sugar to my orange juice because you were to use staring at mom's ass in the morning."

Lena had turned a bright shade of pink at being caught and you couldn't help but smirk.

"Alright kids. Time to go."

"But muumuum"

Family - Reader/Lena LuthorWhere stories live. Discover now