It Hurts

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Prompt by: Janafo28

Leon had just joined the little league baseball. You had joined him for his first practice alone as Lena had been stuck in a meeting all day. You didn't mind it as you spent most of the time answering emails and cheering on Leon until it ended.

Just as practice ended, Leon had gotten hit in the hand with a baseball. It wasn't something major but it had still hurt.

"Mom, my hand really hurts."

You walked over to him, taking his hand and kissing the back of it.

"Here you go kid, all better."

You told him after placing an ice pack the coach had given you.

Leon never said anything after it so it had slipped your mind as the day went on.

It was quite late in the evening and as usual, you were in your office working on a new prototype when Lena suddenly came into your office.

"Babe, I think my lips hurt too."

You stared at her for a minute before standing up and pulling her inside to close the door behind her to have some privacy. Luckily, Leon had fallen asleep earlier to hear the loud noises the two of you were making in your office.

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