Paging Mrs. Lena Luthor

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Prompt by: Janafo28

Your phone was never out of charge as you would always have emergency business calls. However, Lena had been saying that it would be good for you to step back for a day and so you had decided to just let it die off.

For your day off, you went to the mall with Lena. Going around several stores to buy new outfits or toys for Lauren. Just before going to the last store, you needed to go to the restroom. Lena didn't need to go so she promised she'll stick around in the aisle while she waited for you.

After you did your business, you headed to the aisle she promised to wait for you, only to realize she had left you.

You spent a while searching for her but the store was too huge to cover it in a short amount of time. Taking a page out of Lauren's book. You went to the nearest cashier.

Lena had been looking at Lauren's clothes when she hears "Paging Mrs Lena Luthor. Your child is at register 12." She unsure of why they are calling for her since Lauren was currently at Kara's. When Lena gets there, you're sitting on the bench and pouting at her.

"You left me."

Family - Reader/Lena LuthorWhere stories live. Discover now