Trouble Again?

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Prompt by: Janafo28

You had been in your office for the majority of the day. Paperwork had piled up on you and you just couldn't step away as you needed to finish it before the day ended.

A knock was suddenly heard, making you snap out of your focus.

"Come in!"

In comes your secretary, looking a little too afraid.

Only one thing could cause her to act like that. Lena.

"Boss? Mrs. Luthor called and said she was on her way over. She said she needed to talk to you."

Your eyes widen. This could only mean one thing.

"Jesus Christ, am I in trouble? I need to go. Stall her as much as you can and remind me to raise your pay."

You yelled as you ran to the stairs. Apparently, not fast enough as you heard Lena's heels and then her voice.


"Fucking shit. I am in trouble!"

You whispered as you made your way downstairs as fast as you could and taking Lena's driver to Kara's place. It would give you enough time to gather your thoughts and figure out why you were even in trouble in the first place.

'My office. 30 Minutes.'

You were screwed. Lena was pissed.

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