Starry Starry Night

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Prompt by: Janafo28

You and Lena had decided to host a date night with your friends. Alex and Kelly had already arrived and you were all just waiting on Kara and Lucy. In the meantime, you and Alex were in the living room while Kelly and Lena were in the kitchen finishing up some last minute things.

"So I've been wanting to do something romantic for Kelly but I can't seem to figure out something to do. Do you have any ideas? Like is there something sweet you've been wanting to do with her."

You didn't even have to think about it to answer.

"I mean, I've been thinking about it for awhile but uh I'd probably take Lena out in the middle of the night to look at the stars. I think that would be really sweet."

You answered quite loudly so that Lena could hear. Hoping that she might say something about how she had been wanting to do it.

However, Lena had other ideas.

" I swear to god (y/n). If you wake me up at 3AM to look at the fucking stars, I will bury you alive."

"Nailed it."

Alex whispered to you.

Kelly had somehow managed to hear her words.

"Oh, you too Alex. You'll be joining her."

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