Drunk Lena

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Lena had wanted to do something nice for Alex as she had been there for the two of you since Leon. Lena asked for the help of Kara and Alex's girlfriend to see what she could do and in the end decided to rent out a whole club for Alex, including an open bar.

"Lena! This is amazing. Thank you so much. I love my gift."

Alex rushed over to hug her when she realized what her friend had done. 

"And the best part is that there's an open bar."

Alex's eyes sparkled at the thought of an open bar.

"Please marry me? Divorce (y/n) and be my wife."

Sam smacked her girlfriend and pushed her over to the open bar. 

"She's mine Danvers!"

You yelled after her.

Hours passed by and everyone was practically wasted. You weren't drinking to much as you had an early morning. It was getting late and you didn't like the thought of Leon being alone for so long so you searched for Lena so you could both go home.

You found her talking to Alex, talking about some nonsense that you didn't pay attention to. You didn't pay attention to the fact that she was drunk and smiling like an idiot over something dumb that Alex had said. 

"Babe, we have to go home. Leon has already spent too much time alone."

You grabbed her arm gently and tried to lead her out of the the club but she jumped away from you.

"No! I can't go home with you. I'm married!"

She held up her hand, showing you her wedding ring.

"Go fuck someone else!"

You shook your head and smile at the state she was in. You knew Lena was going to have a hell of a morning. It was quite impossible for her to get drunk. 

"Stop. We're going home Lena."

You tried to pull her to your but she wouldn't budge so you walked over to her and carried her over your shoulder. 

She didn't bother to pull away this time. You couldn't help but smile as she kept mumbling something and laughing at her own jokes. 

After setting her down on the passenger side, you buckled her in and began to drive her home. You parked in your driveway and was about to climb out of your car when money was suddenly being thrown in your face.

"Thanks for the lift. My wife will appreciate it."

She slurs as she heads inside. 

You shake your head at her antics and follow her inside. You couldn't wait till the morning to tell Lena all about her drunk self.

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