Chapter 30

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   Back in Tiana's Place, the Heroes of New Orleans decide to get caught up with everything. "Wait, so you mean to tell me that Shane proposed to you yesterday?" Tina asks Charlene. Charlene, without hesitation, shows everyone the ring. "You should have been there! He was so nervous, it was cute!" she squeals. Shane blushes as he chuckles. "Y'know, Lottie, I never would've thought that your daughter would marry the son of the man that turned Naveen and me into frogs," says Tiana. Lottie grins from ear to ear. "And yet, here we are! Isn't it lovely?" she says. "It sure is, hon," says Travis as he walks next to Lottie. "And that's not all!" says Naveen. "Today, he freed even more souls! Their families are all really happy, and they owe it all to Shane." Shane covers his face in embarrassment. "C'mon, everyone! I don't deserve all of this attention!" he whines. "I just want to help people and use voodoo for good. If I'd known that being a hero meant constantly receiving praise, I might've just been, like, neutral good."

   Shane grabs a beignet from the plate on the table and takes a bite. He looks at it in slight disappointment. "What's the matter, Shane?" Tiana asks. Shane gets nervous. "Oh, nothing. It's just that your beignets aren't exactly..." "If you think I'm gonna be offended by what you're gonna say, you're wrong, so just tell me," says Tiana. "When I visited my mom a couple days ago, she made some beignets with hazelnut spread inside them. Compared to hers, yours are kinda lackluster," says Shane, taking another bite. "Don't get me wrong, they're still incredible, but you've been beaten by my own mother in the best beignets category." Tiana raises an eyebrow. "Well, then. Imagine what she and I could do together. Has she even shown any interest in flying out to New Orleans?" she says. "Sadly, no," says Shane. "She doesn't want to remember her time with Facilier. Besides, I can just head over there myself with my powers. Really no reason for her to come here."

   Charlene sits next to Shane. "I think you should try to convince her to come over," she says to him. "It's not like her entire relationship with Facilier was bad, right?" She puts her arm around him and smiles. Shane looks at her. "I suppose so," he says. "But I'll take things easy. One thing at a time." He grabs his cane and cap and makes his way towards the door. "Where are you going?" Charlene asks him. Shane opens the door. "Just stepping outside for a bit," he says, exiting the restaurant. "I bet he's just nervous," says Charlene, following him.

   Shane sits just outside the restaurant, his head resting in his hands. Charlene sits down next to him. "Hey, Darling. What's up?" she asks. Shane looks at her. "I never told you just how beautiful I think you are, did I?" Charlene laughs. "Is that why you're out here? I don't think you have, so go ahead," she says. Shane blushes. "Well, I absolutely adore your hair. So golden and shiny that it puts Rapunzel to shame," he says. "And your smile. Definitely the most wholesome smile I've ever seen. And you never smile with malicious intent. Every time you smile, there's true goodness behind it. And your eyes." Charlene's face turns red. "Shane, please! That's a bit too generous!" she giggles. "And your eyes. I get lost in them every time I look stare into them. Almost like I'm lost at sea, since they're so bright and blue. Good thing I know how to swim, otherwise, I'd get lost and never find my way out," says Shane. Charlene is silent and simply smiles from ear to ear.

   "But that's not why I'm out here. Just something I realized," says Shane. "Then what's got you all in a funk?" Charlene asks. Shane sighs. "One day, this whole city will be full of people and souls alike, just chatting and getting caught up. I can't let them down," he says. "And it'll all be because of me. You saw how I felt with just everyone in the restaurant showing me love. I don't know if I'll be able to handle that from an entire city. Or the whole world." Charlene kisses him. "Shane, I can tell when you're lying. You're nervous about failing. Don't think that I haven't noticed those sheets of paper," she says. Shane smiles and says, "Well, that's a huge weight off my shoulders." They laugh. "Well, if you need some time to think about it, I'll go tell the others. Then you and I can head home and hang out," says Charlene. "Thanks, love," says Shane. Charlene enters the restaurant.

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