Chapter 5-Their Secrets... And Mine

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"I knew they were lying!" I thought as I hung from the balcony just behind Rhys and Leif before I went to bed. I KNEW IT! Something was always off about them, ever since they arrived.

"Since we've been here nothing has happened!" Leif shouted, "No fighting! No bloodshed! Nothing!"

"Leif," Rhys said, calmly, as always, "Try to understand we-"

"I've had enough of your talk Rhys!" Leif snapped, "We're here to stop this scary magic crisis on Damos! But none of you would know how to live if we didn't have magic huh?!" He was livid. I swung myself carefully back over the railing, hearing what I needed to. Of course, they're just using us... Why did I think differently?

"What does it matter?" Asch joined in, "You serve me now Leif, and if you know what's best for you, you'll stand down and hold your tongue before I rip it out." I covered my mouth and shuddered. Nowhere was I near scared, but that's a different level of disgusting.

"Why are they acting so hostile?" Noi asked Pierce. He sounded as if he were a scared child. Was this... Do they not normally act like this?

"Perhaps the lack of hostility in this world," Pierce answered. I sat down against the back wall. Unsure of what to do now. Yes, I could go out there and yell at them, yes I could go tell Ava, but... why would I? Ava's been, happier, in some cases, with them around, and, I don't mind them being around. Honestly, the company is nice.

"I AM DONE TOYING WITH AVA AND TRISTIAN!" Leif said and snapped me from my trance, "I'M DONE WORRYING ABOUT THE FRICKEN MAGIC CRISIS! Let's just take their magic and CALL IT!" I let out a slight shudder filled breathe. Take their magic? They think we have magic... if they didn't think that... we'd be dead. But, if there's a crisis, maybe if they didn't leave, they'd be dead too.

"That," Noi began, "Might not actually be a bad idea."

"Noi," Rhys said a bit shocked, "Two humans aren't going to sustain Damos Forever. We-"

"I've been waiting to take them out," Leif said as he wielded his weapons. I stood and looked him over, though I couldn't see his face, I knew he was more than excited about a moment to kill. That's a former Assassin for you.

"Back off Leif," Asch told him as he held his hand out for a fireball, "I'm in charge of our Prisoners execution and I will decide when it's time."

"Your Majesty, please!" Rhys shouted in a whisper, he was turned enough so now I could see him. He, was angry. Very angry. "Stop using your magic!"

"This is getting out of hand.." Noi said even quieter than before. I've never heard him talk like that.

"Then start demanding answers from them Asch!" Leif ordered, "We haven't even been outside her house!"

"Yes, we have," Rhys declared, "And we discovered-Ice cream!" At saying that his eyes lit up. I couldn't help but smile as his face brightened.

"Heh," I said softly, but not soft enough.

"What was that?" Leif asked. I quickly covered my mouth and retreated into the darkness a bit more.

"I heard it too," Rhys said and the two looked around, then all of them.

"Leif do that thing!" Asch demanded and suddenly, no more Leif. He was gone. Just-POOF! Oh no.

"GOTCHA!" Leif shouted as he grabbed me from behind. Long story short. Never, NEVER! Have I screamed-that loud before.

"PUT ME DOWN!" I screamed as he jumped down and landing in front of the others, "LEIF!" I snapped as he dropped me to the ground. I froze, hearing them all gasp at me being there.

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