Chapter 23-Choices (Reconnection Part 2)

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We got home and I had no idea what I was doing. Honestly, things were, difficult, to process. Pierce had the same picture I did. With my Brother, Buttercup, and I. He did look just like Buttercup, but there was no way he was Buttercup.

"I saw him die," I told them finally, "He was protecting me, and he died..." I didn't need to hold back tears, I remember I had told the hospital this enough times when Ava's Dad's brought me there. Crying with this phrase... seemed impossible now.

"Pierce was almost dead," Rhys decided to add. It was late that night and we were all in the Damos' place, hiding from Ava. She needed rest and lots of it. "When he arrived at the main kingdom, he was being withheld by the same man you claimed killed him."

"I remember that," Leif commented, "Didn't Queen DeSilva stop him?"

"Y-Yes..." Asch said sadly, "In the midst of losing her own life." His Mother... Asch's Mother was the one who banished Dominick to this world. Which means... she did with me as well! I nodded to the forgiveness for Dominick's mistakes. At least they see me as me. My eyes darted to Pierce as he stared at the picture.

"Tell me something," I said, watching his head poke up. His eyes were laced with tears as I just sat there. Staring. "Tell me something that only Buttercup would know."

"You protected humans," He said, "Even as a child. You have a scar on your back. The length of my sword from doing that once." I nodded.

"You are Buttercup," I replied, "Only he knew about that scar because he caused that scar." We all sat in silence for a moment. My thoughts were nowhere to where I could control them any longer, and the silence was broken by my abrupt standing and loud tone. "Take me back to Damos with you!" I sounded as if I was demanding this. Truth be told I didn't want to leave Ava, nor did I want to go to Damos. But I could feel something greater calling me there, then anything keeping me here.

"No," Asch said and stood up. Walking in the other direction.

"Why?" I called after him, "Why are you so afraid of me!? Afraid to help someone! ANYONE!"

"BECAUSE YOUR FATHER IS WHY MY MOTHER IS DEAD!" I stepped back at his words, my body tensing as his hair seemed to go aflame. "She was a kind soul. Fearless, loving, and the most amazing person alive. But-NO! Dominick came along and she was dead before my very eyes! And you!" He pointed a finger at me, his eyes narrowing me as his figure towered mine. "You are his. And nothing can change that." He turned to walk away again, but I would have none of that.

"I CHANGED THAT!" I screamed one final time, "I changed my family. I changed what I did. Who I was... You're the one who became fearful, instead of remaining fearless. That isn't my fault. And it isn't his." I turned on my heels, shoved past the others, and made my way out the door, ignoring the constant calls they each seemed keen on casting. I was done. With every one of them.

A few days passed and I spent it locked up in my studio, only coming out when I really need to for food and the bathroom. I even slept in my studio. They think I'm a monster. Just like him. He looked at me like I was him. Like I am him. I could keep myself calm, but soon, after about a week and a half. Ava knocked on the door. Surprising to me, by saying we were going to the Fall Festival.

With Lorelei.

And people.

From High School.

Mother of the Universe, please have mercy on our souls. I nodded in agreement, and carried on back to my work. She knocked again, "We're leaving in an hour!" I groaned but continued my work. I need to get this done. I need to. I tried my hardest these last few days to ignore them, but it's gotten a lot harder. Especially with what I heard yesterday.

"He's concerned that, at the rate, we're using it, we won't have enough to return to Damos," I could hear Pierce say through the wall.

"A-Are you guys, planning on returning soon?" I heard Ava. Her voice was full of heartbreak. Like they were already gone.

"In time," Asch sighed. I knew they'd have to leave eventually, but...

"I still can't imagine this place without you guys," I said allowed, "Now that you've been here, with us, for so long..." I felt a tear roll down my cheek, and soon two, then three, until I was crying once again.

"Tris," I heard Ava's calming voice as she shook me awake, "Tris you fell asleep." I opened my eyes and sat up. I was in the car... The Fall Festival... Oh, my word. I got out of the car, the blinding sun hitting my eyes as I began taking small steps over to the entrance. They're here to... of course. At least Ava was already having fun.

"Remember when Dad and Pop used to take us here as kids?" I asked with a smile. Ignoring the Damos boys behind me.

"YES!" She screamed all excited, "This is gonna be so much fun! Lorelei texted and they're running late, so, well I get the tickets. You guys talk!"

"No," I began but she quickly cut me off.

"Nope," She said, "You've been more moody, anti-social, and cut-off. Especially from them. Talk to them. Forgive them. They won't be around forever." I nodded, thinking back to what I heard them say the other day. She was right... but maybe... maybe if I could convince them. They wouldn't be the only ones leaving. So, as Ava got the tickets, I stood with the Damos. Things couldn't get too bad today!


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