Chapter 21-Brides To Be... Maybe!

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"My Father..." I said even quieter.

"Whose your Father?" Noi asked and joined us all. I stood and looked at all of them. It was time. Real trust... It was beyond time.

"Dominick," I answered firmly, a reflection of pink, showing faintly in my eyes. I knew because that's what I saw.

Behind them.

I shook again as I saw, the eyes were only Ava standing behind us. Thank the Universe! Beside her though, ugh, Marlene was with her. That's Mrs. Oat's granddaughter, she's a sweetheart, but... super... ummm... 'pushy'? She's this tiny girl with long brownish-reddish hair and bright blue eyes. Today she looked as if she was dressed up as Elsa from Frozen. Her favorite movie. I looked back at the guys.

"Hot Cocoa?" I asked after a breath to relax my nerves.

"Yes, Darling!" Marlene cheered happily.

"I'll take care of this one Ava," I said and stood, "You go get the guys' clothes so they don't have to stay in their Halloween Costumes all day." I winked at her as she nodded.

"Right," She said and lead all the guys down the hall.

"Trisy!" Marlene smiled and ran up to me as I hugged her and swung her into the kitchen with a laugh, "Haha! You ready for all the candy?"

"YES I AM!" She laughed as Ava and the guys headed out of the room, "Do you like my dress?"

"Yes I do Elsa," I said with a smile, "How many marshmallows?"

"TWELVE!" She shouted and we kept on giggling as I made hot cocoa for all of us. The Damos, Ava, myself, and Marlene. "Who were those guys?"

"Oh, they're our friends," I told her, "Noi, Pierce, Rhys, Asch, and Leif. They're really nice... Sometimes..." I smiled as I spoke and recalled the good and bad memories between us all. I still enjoyed their company.

"Yeah, sometimes," Ava said as she came back with the guys.

"Girls, are one of these boys your boyfriends?" Marlene asked.

"NOPE!" I shouted a bit too suddenly.

"Liar!" Marlene said and jumped on the counter, "Alright! Listen up! These two have been my babysitters since I was a kid!"

"Aren't you still a kid?" Rhys asked and I just shook my head and stood up.

"I made everyone hot cocoa," I said, "I'm going on a run. I know where this is going and would rather not deal with it."

"Princess Tris," Rhys began, "After what you said, wouldn't it make more sense if you were to stay here."

"Or have one of us comes with you," Pierce added in.

"Everyone shut up!" Marlene yelled, "You're staying Tris! You two deserve the best!"

"I agree," Pierce said.

"Me too!" Noi said with a smile.

"I like these two!" Marlene cheered.

"Who does this tiny human child think she is?!" Asch demanded.

"SHUSH!" Marlene commanded, "I know your secret! You're all demons!" Everyone's eyes went wide. Even mine. "My grandmother told me all about how these guys wanna become your boyfriends! You two deserve the best ones out of the bunch! So I'm going to help you!"

"This tiny human scares me..." Noi confessed.

"Now do you see why I wanted to leave?" I asked and all Ava could do was nod.

"Alright! Listen up unworthy Demons!" Marlene began, "We're gonna play a game called Princesses and Waiters. You guys are the waiters, while Ava, Tris, and I are the Princesses. Whoever can do all the tasks required gets to marry Ava and Tris!" Oh, my word why marriage Marlene, why!? Of course, though, all the guys cheered.

"We have been attempting to talk to Princess Ava about marriage," Rhys added, "I'm glad someone got to it." Wait, doesn't the older one get the crown and stuff? So why would they wanna marry Ava if I'm... okay then... Damos is weirder now!

In the long run, let's just say the guys got their fair share of things. Marlene almost had the guys falling asleep on the couch again. It was, kind of funny to witness. They all were exhausted and complaining in the living room.

"I don't know," Rhys said, "How much more of this I can take."

"UGH!" Asch screamed, "It's all stupid pointless tasks!"

"Heh," Noi smiled, "I enjoyed being a pony though. I got my hair brushed."

"And sugar cubes," Pierce added. I just laughed at them. In the least, they were having fun.

"You're enjoying this too much," Leif added in. I nodded.

"Yes, yes I am," I said smugly, "See, Marlene knows, I don't do dresses, so she's in there getting Ava in a 'wedding dress' for a 'wedding' you're all expecting to happen. When she's just a child, and this isn't real."

"WHAT?!" Asch yelled.

"LISTEN UP!" Marlene shouted as she walked out of the room with Ava, covered in toilet paper. Had to laugh. I just had to. "The winner of the bride is!" She began doing a long drum roll before shouting-"NOI!"

"WHAT!?" Everyone shouted at once, except Noi. He cheered happily and all I could do was smile for him.

"There is no way Noi is getting Ava," Asch declared.

"I'll kill you for her!" Leif yelled and took out his dual daggers.

"Let's go!" Pierce said in anger and pulled out his sword.

"Violence is never the answer," Rhys said. Thank you! Someone with common sense! "But in this case!" Then he pulled out his staff. RHYS WHY!?!?

"Um, you guys know this is just a pretend wedding right?" Marlene asked and I just started laughing, "Look I don't have the power of attorney to make it legit. My certification is from Playdough."

"So, Princess Ava is still open to marriage," Asch said in a hushed voice.

"So all of that was for nothing?" Leif said annoyed.

"Yep!" Marlene shouted, "Now, I see you guys like her. But if you wanna be a King, you're going after the wrong girl!"

"MARLENE NO!" I shouted and covered my face.

"That's right," Ava said, "The older one takes the throne. I forgot about that..." I kept my face covered until I heard a few thuds. They fell asleep. THANK YOU, CHILD!

Then, the next thing I knew, Marlene was asleep in Ava's room and I was falling asleep myself. Only hearing Ava's voice in the end, "Ya know, all the gloating the do about being deadly and powerful warriors, they sure can't keep up with an eight-year-old."

"True dat-sister," I yawned and fell the rest of the way asleep. To long of a day for this. But this was... a good day.

The only question I'm left with is, what will Asch and Rhys say to me when I ask them tomorrow, and how will Ava react when she finds out I'm not staying?

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