Chapter 18-A Dance To Forget

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"Tonight," I said, "I promise. As long as you don't tell anyone else. This means Ava and the others, and especially my Dad's."

"I promise," He said silently as he leaned down, slowly, to reach my height.




My body stiffened as I felt his warm body press against mine. This warmth... this is what I felt at Tommy's. It was Pierce... I relaxed, just barely and pulled my arms around his shoulders, having to steady myself so we wouldn't fall over. Pierce pulled away and stood up straight, my hands resting on his upper arms as I peered up and smiled sheepishly to him. He blushed too like that was new to him. Do they not-maybe it is just like the stories...

"Ya know," I said with a less nervous smile and a kind voice, "You're really good at giving hugs." I skipped off the front and down the aisle. "You should do them more often." You promised. Don't forget that.

The day went on smoothly after that, Rhys and Ava showed up, a few burnt marks on Rhy's suit but nothing I couldn't fix up at the sideline. I hadn't told Ava that Pierce hugged me, or about the promise I made to him. I basically, didn't really talk to them, Anna Maria was with her bridesmaids getting ready, and Tommy was running around with his groomsmen. Dork. It wasn't until late in the night, just before the wedding when he found me again.

"TRIS!" He called as I was finishing up at the altar. I had to have a quick chat with Anna Maria's Father, who was performing the ceremony. Apparently he didn't even know I was Tommy's sister! Anna Maria probably doesn't either! I turned and headed down the steps to meet Tommy.

"Tommy," I said a bit alarmed, "The ceremony's in ten minutes, you should be finalizing your vows. Getting ready! Making sure Alec didn't bleach his suit!"

"That can wait," He said out of breath, "I needed you. I-I needed you to wear this." He hunched over, digging in his chest for a breath or two as he lifted up what he held in his hands. My old fighting jacket.

"T-Tommy I-" I stared at it, "Where did you get that from?" I pushed it down and pulled him away from Anna Maria's Father. None of them know about our past in the fight club... yet.

"The promise," He said and stood tall, "We promised each other, whenever we were getting married if we were still friends, that we would, wear these. Wear our marks. I went and dug up the box, and I thought this would look better with your jacket then the neon blue hair." He let out a laugh and I couldn't help but do the same. He stood behind me and slipped the jacket on me.

I turned to face him and saw that he was about as close to me as Pierce was before our hug. My face flushed as he bent down slowly and pulled me in tight. I could feel him breathing heavy enough to where he was crying, and I hugged him tighter.

"I love you," He cried softly into my ear, "Always will. Always have." It was clear to me what I had to do, and that was something I refused to do. But in baby steps maybe. I pulled away, wiped away his tears, stood tall. Smiled.

"I love you to Brother," I said with a friendly punch in the arm. Brother. That's all it could be now.

We went our separate ways after that, and the ceremony was beautiful. Perfect. I wore the jacket, just like he asked, and I stood right by him as his Best Woman. The only thing that happened, Pop cried too loudly, and he jumbled his vows. The jumble was cute.

The dinner and dancing portion came along and we were up at the cliff, close to midnight as I laughed along at the table with Dad, Pop, Pierce, Rhys, and Ava. Then, my toast had to come. So soon. You've got this...

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